Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


The most delightful words
ever heard
ere take of
the wages start.

But this time there will be an exception,
a young King is being brought.

The Egyptian 18 year old King
laying in a solid golden coffin,
three thousand years since.
He is still embalmed!

They don’t want to his silent soul alarm
they will get him in
through the rear emergency door,
ere they finally fly off.

No one should know,
the King is sleeping still,
maybe they will extract a cell
yes they will
to resurrect the young kid,
who still sleeps since ages
behind closed jungle doors.

I found him there alone for sure
I won’t like to share the secret any more
lest his soul flies out
of the only unarmed door.

Glad all doors are sealed
and the pilot has
now towards the tarmac reeled.

All doors of earthly humans too sealed!
Now his DNA will to humans never be revealed...

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


And you are getting good at recognising waffle it would seem, as I find none here.
one thing - You need to go to edit mode and click the button for the contest, so this goes onto the contest stream, or it may be missed

Good luck
Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

will you have a relook also

author comment

Only you have control of your work

Go into edit, and at the bottom of the page just before you hit either preview or publish, there is a block that states contest. Click onto that...

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

i ain't in the running
never mind gnite ty Judy

author comment

done it and not known, as, as Rula says, it is now listed

and of course you are in the running !!!!

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Now I am sweating to the victory stand
hahahah aaaaa
thanks all
A different DNA from Loved

author comment

Loved... It is listed among the other entries
Good luck in the contest.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

This was a very good write and I enjoyed as Judy did the lack of extras in your write.
Keep writing like this Young Bard there is a light beckoning you out there some place.
Yours, Ian

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

bang dang
is this the kinda of slang
you wanna from me
shwall dee dee

author comment

you have a shot! Not my cup of tea, but still, I recognize that it has merit, just for the subject and the treatment! Not sure why they won't allow DNA testing, but...~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I am a passerby

All these years have flown by
And what do you know
most have passed me by
hoping by now I must have passed by

intermingled in the starry sky
how can one now that distance fly?
to catch a simple passerby
time does also fly

so am I now here merged it twilight
the dawn breaks for folks like you
my form has lead me down
the stormy drain
lapsed in the folds of time

as time ultimately all does maim
and I can’t say a name
which hasn't passed
O you so noble....

author comment

The door to the past will always remain closed to all but our memories I suspect. Good direct flow from beginning to end. Thanks for entering......stan

made my heart throb stop
I wondered what u'd say
glad you spoke well
thanks Stan
I am now learning to scribble
where///ok how is Jess ?

author comment
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