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Editing - rough draft

Night Flight!

Old age encountered
yet not sixty-five
I live in a hospital
that keeps me alive

Mal-functioning liver,
kidneys and bowels
They give me fifteen
and I’m still on the prowl

I cruise down the long hall
on my black power glide
Searching for shadows
on a mystical ride

Embarrassing moments,
they make me comply
No friends here to speak of
with whom to confide

My life is a mystery
my demeanor is shy
My hopes are all fading
I’m shut up inside


When you feel you're going crazy,
Yet, the world is really bad.
Hearing the words " you are mental",
Leaves you feeling very sad.

On days when everything's a struggle,
And nothing goes your way.
If only there was a reverse button,
To take these woes away.

When future looks so grim for many,
I feel Ike I can't moan.
Yet in a world if greed aplenty,
I am not alone.

Powerless Anxiety

I’m talking to you.
Can you hear me,
Or should I raise the volume?

I know your mind is
A dark room.
I’m going to turn
On the light.

You second-guess me,
Planting mines on the ground,
Hoping I step on one and—
Kaboom! I’m dust.

If that evil plan fails,
You make me feel like
Such a heavy burden
Only a forklift
Can carry me.

You even have a third
Card tucked under your shoe,
All my efforts reduced to
Breadcrumbs on the sidewalk.

The Fork In The Road

Her car had careened off the road and had launched over an embankment.

As she climbed back up onto the road, she was amazed to have walked away unscathed, no pain, not even a minor laceration.

She began walking although she had no idea of her whereabouts.

She watched impatiently as an ambulance wizzed past her, lights flashing and warning bells clanging.

She was a busy woman, she had things to do, she had no time for this.

Soon she came to a fork on this mysterious and unfamiliar road.

She had to make a decision.


Doubt is upon us
the feeling is gone
overcast skies
tell us to move on

We keep moving forward
not intending to trip,
but the haze in our hearts
leaves us lonely and sick

We look to tomorrow
as only a dream
One which arrives
with a caterwaul scream

We seek for a reason
just to press on,
but our hearts fail in passing
elusive the dawn!

The daylight approaches
along with the sun
The cycle is over
the skirmish is won!


Why does your loss

Let me go.
Leave me be.

Not every day.

It Buzzed My Om

at peace with eyes closed
my sweet Zen was chased away
pesky mosquito


I stood and watched the ocean's swell
When on my arm a hand it fell;
I turned, a stranger stood quite still
Wide staring eyes that brought a chill.

He commanded: "Look around" barked he:
"Tell me what it is you see".
Said I: "Rolling waves that billow white
That play on sands with orchestral might":

"No, look again from within your soul,
Let your eyes be a window for all that is whole;
See the dust of ages blow 'cross the strand
Sweeping in from a desolate land".

Online Vs. Off-line Love

He's a peanut, she's a butter
Anyways they loved each other
Online, offline, it didn't matter
On tablets, they kept up the chatter

It could have lasted for a century
As long as they had tablets to carry
Big brother was there, no need to worry
But what to do when you marry?

Just then they felt the real threat
Thus got to unplug the internet
Gave their love a sincere reset
Found the bonds grew stronger .. I bet.

Shadow fall!

The mind is amusing,
dark shadows will fall
The misty rain drizzling
will answer it’s call
The call of delusion
the thrill of a squall
Storms are now raging
inside of us all
We seek a sound answer
a sign for us all
The government trembles
down at town hall
Reflecting the tenor
of those wanting to brawl
There’s no peace among us
we’re foolish and small
Goodbye to our yesterdays
they’ll vanish by fall
If sin was enticing
we’ve answered its call
Banished and exiled,


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