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I wish
i had someone,
to argue with.

the walls,promise:
they merely suffocate you,
with silence.

i want to have
a living-

one, i will never own.

one, who can argue
with me
and, help me

silence, makes me feel
many parts of a badly crafted:

do i even exist?

Welcome Home

Oh child of God you’re coming home at last
To rise again in glorious jubilation;
Today you’ve left all sorrows in the past,
To walk in light to your own coronation.

What have you done to make the angels sing?
What have you done to raise each pearly rafter?
What have you done to cause God’s bells to ring?
What have you done up there in the hereafter?

Life in Short

Long is the journey, and sacred
It's holy secrets are lain  for the elected
Forging the fleeting moments of joy and pain
Each breath is a chance to live and love again

No Sight Seeing In Hell

When crawling through hell,
Don’t stop to see the locals—
Keep moving, even if
The next step is your last.

Yes, it’s a daunting task,
Not impossible, just one
That may leave you with
The last drop of faith
In your plastic bottle.

Even if the natives
Offer you rest,
Stay on your path,
Knowing a feast

If strength slumbers,
Keep your eyes open
For demons tempting
With fleeting joy.

Self Eulogy

I was a collection of pixels.
In the information are
A fancy bunch of fonts
Just a character on a page

A typographical error
That has now been erased.
Look back my text messages.
I’m sure you’ll be amazed.

It is with a heavy heart.
That I announce my demise
A few epithets to myself
Now it’s time to eulogise.

I know it’s just hyperbole.
So, forgive me while I enthuse.
No one can follow in my footsteps.
Or begin to fill my shoes.

Quiet Walk

You walked with me
Early to the hilltop tree
Along the gated ways,
Just like we did in early days.
Your love was soft and tender
These are things that I remember.

And we went along to start
I felt your soft hand dart
Not thinking of us as apart.

I walked up there today
As we did in that former day.
I sat in the same swing
When your life I began to sing
By myself but then:
And found all things new again.

Quiet Walk

You walked with me
Early to the hilltop tree
Along the gated way,
Just like we did in early days.
Your love was soft and tender
These are things that I remember.

And we went along to start
I felt your soft hand dart
Not thinking of us as apart.

I walked up there today
As we did in that former day.
I sat in the same swing
When your life I began to sing
By myself but then:
And found all things new again.

Stumble kindly ever so blindly

A solitary light
Flickers soft and slight
Through the velvet night.
Whispers in the dark,
“Sorrow sent me”—
Now a fleeting barque.

This light
Trembles, shy,
Holding secrets
As the night slips by.
A dance of warmth,
A tender sway—
A brief, sweet display of day.

In its flicker,
Desires cast,
Stumbling through silence vast.
In the stillness,
Shadows kiss,
Forbidden love, pure bliss.

A place to rest!

Existentialism was never my thing
it’s philosophy ephemeral at best.
God, angels, the universe in protest
never seemed to pass any test.

If their presence has no meaning
if God cannot raise the dead.
Then my life, it has no purpose
it fills the heart with fear and dread.

Dissipate into oblivion
dying with anger, raging in my head.
Existing only as a concept
you may as well shoot me dead!


The only woman I'd die to be with, right now, is you
I'd dig a whole grave, six feet underground, shovel after shovel nonstop,
And let myself fall into it just as bad as I wanna have myself fall into you

It isn't no lust, no surface level type of love, it's real love
I really wanna, love, you


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.