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Your Silence

Your silence
is meaningless

why do you wish to be silent
when nature has given you a voice
even the silent waves
wish to roar
cancel their silence
will or can you
I dare

so do the seas adore
much more
as they are not silent
they continue to love you
as before

your silence
kills for sure
stay silent I pray no more

praise all
the world will adore
for sure

see the sun set's in silence
what a shame
yet you're still silent

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Not sure why you have put the two poems as one
submission. I read the first and it was perfect for me until the last line. It reads awkward as it is.
I suggest:

Yet you're still silent
Other than that nothing I see need to change.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Rula thanks

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Canadian Spring

See out of your window
the snow has melted
birds are now flying
trees have small greenery

as yellow shrubs also become green
the lawns surface from beneath

the melting snow
the sun does now seem to go slow

the nights are shorter
the sunset too late

spring is awesome
at Canada's plate

I too float about your country
as I love it
from across the American
Niagara vision

at the onset of summer needs
a broader perceptive vision

American and Canadian
You'd love it

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RE-POSTED as promised

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