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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Harold the Hugh Hefner wannabe carrot top...

spry buck analogous to energizing bunny
jump/kickstarted procreation ruckus.

Home on the range
cacophony quite absurd
Play Boy Bunny herd
and felt ingratiatingly inured,
nevertheless colony or nest
of doe eyed demoiselles
stewed over their
kit and caboodle being cannibalized
gourmet chef “coney” or “lapin”
delicacy the magic word.

Plane train auto crash porn

Thanks for confirming you can’t be taken seriously
with the latest inanity
pseudo-shock and vanity
buttressing what we already knew
when there’s nothing new
dystopia carries the day

Say will some it’s wrought independently
thoughts laid down so artfully
calculated or thrown together
it matters little
an original piece or not
disturbing the peace has a certain cachet

Staring at the Stars

This garden is empty
But, above me is plenty.
I care in this chair
As I look at the stars
But, it’s hard to tell them apart!
It’s a heart-breaking thought
To know some are dead.
That thought goes around in my head.
Because they are so far away.
Back in the day, the light left them.
It eventually reached us
Before they sadly decayed.
We are all made from stardust
So, when the stars died
We all came into being
Which gave us the gift of seeing.
We live and all know we’ll die.

Blues Singer

He wrote his best blues song in the rain
as the tremblin' rumblin' thunder
ripped his beatin' heart, made it sunder
like a crack in the earth
his last dime with no worth
like a broke pitied fool
drownin' in a deep pool
of an achin'
love that's gone cruel
and that man ain't gonna try no more
he's been beaten
by her cheatin'
wretched and poor
and cut to the core.

He sang his best blues in the rain.


Spring rays surprise the land
Releasing the grip of winters hand
Flower once asleep now bloom
Releasing us from the cold days gloom

Birds are heard singing above
Encouraging us to laugh and love
The Spring colors of the new day
Permits us to run and play

We can rejoice during this time of mirth
To appreciate the beauty of the earth
To watch our children laugh and sing
We thank our Lord for the new Spring

Jupiter's darling

From the womb of the great one
came Jupiter's darling!
Out of the midst of its gaseous realm.
Moving so slowly into a new orbit
cascading through space,
closer to the warmth of the Sun.
A new and refreshing kind of relationship,
as the moon is betrothed to the innocent one.
Desolate she swoops down to minister,
to the needs of the azure and emerald one.
falling into time, celestial glory to be won!

I Know

I know that I might never be
Anything as beautiful as a tree
I know that I might never find
That special thing called 'peace of mind'.

I know no matter how hard I try,
That I will never, ever fly
I know that deep within my heart
My life could stop, I could fall apart.

I know that way down, deep inside
The child within did run and hide
I know the fear that's deep within
Will show itself, no matter where I've been!


Aviana, a ray of sunshine
with precious eyes of blue
A beautiful little baby,
fresh as morning dew

She lit the room with her smile
she served joy to every bowl
Her family saw the stars in her
this little beautiful soul...

Daddy was the king of her castle
he made her world so bright
He made sure that he was home
to tuck her in each night

Her brothers' eyes upon her
not playing at protection
they loved to help her play
showered her with affection

Universal Love

The sun appears huge, sets on the distant Pacific horizon.
Paints the sky with fiery hues, a mixture of burning passion.
A surge of emotion comes, mother nature draws a breath.
As light slowly turns to dark there are whispers, goodbye my love, I shall return for you,
I am the unwavering faith, your ever-present universe.


I looked up at the overspread
obsidian, coal like sky.
A detonation

Sea of flickering sequins of silver
and dazzling starlight and
explosive whites.

The unspeaking secrets and
neighbours in the midnight
Sky light.

A cluster of silence
The night slumbers while the

Stars, flash their signal beacons.
The night invades

the day with
marching stars carrying a
dark magicians cape


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.