Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Michael Keens


Recent work

Created Updated Type Title
11 Jun 2024 11 Jun 2024 poem Sights
6 May 2024 6 May 2024 poem My Favorite Childhood Toy
5 May 2024 5 May 2024 poem Locked In a Basement
24 Apr 2024 24 Apr 2024 poem Alive, Lost and Feels Alone
15 Apr 2024 15 Apr 2024 poem Pandora's Box
3 Apr 2024 3 Apr 2024 poem John's D-Day
27 Mar 2024 27 Mar 2024 poem London's Burning
25 Mar 2024 25 Mar 2024 poem Don't Look a Gift Horse in The Mouth
16 Mar 2024 16 Mar 2024 poem This is England
11 Mar 2024 11 Mar 2024 poem Staring at the Stars
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