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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Far visions

In the far distance of my minds vision
I see flowers from the Garden of Eden
more humans flower each day

many wither away

but for times immemorial the gardens stay
all newer generation comers have a good day

tis a lovely morn
and an enchanting sunrise
just for you today
as my voice in harmony
words and thoughts
for you all display

friends come along
have a very propitious
lucky ...happy and merry today
as we all compose
on such a lovely day
of ours today......



There is no longer fire in my soul
no poetry in my heart\
that speaks to me its beauty
my spirit shuns the light
my words grow cold
and the essence that
defines me
weakens each day
as I languish
in space and time



You watch I watch none of us are seeing,
there is no great picture of knowledge
where it all comes together.
Like the water in your coffee energised
by the swirling of a hand, pooled so rapidly
then to die just like our forever.

We aim to be happy finding life like a
new day just gone, feeling so small like
the vast sea compared to our yawn.
But we live in our world ignoring others
requests, sorry no help here we’re not
really gods creation, life is not a set
of tests.

A Tanka on Eclipse

World watches in awe
the superimposition
Earth shadowing Moon

Two celestial super stars
during a brief rendezvous

Hunting The Predator

There are monsters in flesh of Man
where abominable thoughts linger
terrorize the city with their game plan
the despicable deeds called "murder"

They often strike in the dead of the night,
paint it blood-red to spread fear.
The vortex of a violent storm truly describes,
the crimes proving their sadistic nature

I am one of those who hunt them.
deciphering their codes with my skill
My autopsies will reveal their tools
and estimate the time the heart is stilled

A Reason

I sat a while there in the forest
I thought of most things as they came to me
Yet could I grasp the meaning of all things
Now I even doubt the next day as it will arrive

Where do I go I asked what do I do now
Can I equate this life of mine to purpose
Suppose I had not passed this way
What changes would be missing

There in the quiet of the forest glade
my thoughts became clear stretching out
As the carpet of blue bells seemed to ring
Telling the world that they were there.

princess, a celestial alignment

purr galactic miser
purl pendulums Orion
feet dance miss her
skeletal mist star

surreal lasers mercuric
beam smudge
her prime, behold!
jet teasers

the jovial swings
a form needed
its rite dust-phase
beyond cubicle estranged

despoilment repair cardinal
internship regal
legal of loam
trepidation silk atom

Only in May

Only when May's dreams come true
that spring would show,up and through.
The meadows would then over sneeze
the Marigolds with summer's breeze.
Bees with pollens are to and fro,
paint the green with colors-raw.
The flowers smile, the hearts sway,
while silent go the words and 'stray.
The heaven patters-showers sheen,  
  the rainbow reflects–his face is seen. 
The cycle goes once and again,
more flowers bloom, to blaze the plain.

Interesting Deadly Fellowship...

Interesting Deadly Fellowship…

Interesting sort of fellow
that man who augured time
He squeezed it’s life
like squeezing a lemon or lime.
Writing a book he demanded
we must look.
This was his word, to help control the herd.

There were other tricks
to keep us in line
like the time he turned
water into wine
Unfortunately for us we
were too keen to believe,
his tricks made easy
as he cajoled and deceived.


Look over there! (just don't look here)
I'll not mislead you, never fear
and please don't read the constitution.
That is Never the solution.

What do you mean about Benghazi?
It had naught to do with me.
It's cause? A little video.
Believe me 'cause I told you so.

Immigration laws? Well I decided
some of them were too one sided.
So I decreed to not enforce
but I was not decision's source.


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