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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

ninety parts to God

the soul wakes........... forced devalue
festival minds preventing them derivation
this was some inundate carnage
squeal and sobriety pertinent
immobilized foraging of those partook

surrender into invisibility
for on earth if recall be
after the penance of fate adjourn them
from much needed time to grow old
deficit kids- were exclusive saints
for this cause. About faith,
what is this whiplash whirlpool
dragging much more participants than enrolled
discipleship of fireball, inhuman inferno

no rose ...without thorns

I should enroll
as a poetry student
all Neopoets
are exquisite

I love roses with thorns too
and do you all know
light can not be appreciated
without visual darkness

So roses and thorns
do complement each other
what value has a rose
when thorn is torn
can anyone decipher
for me~

A Decent Meal (Tanka)

A bowl of porridge
with a glass of home-brewed tea
sate my appetite

A meal served with sincere love
is my wholesome nourishment

Tanka Acrostic Inspired By Recovery

Cocaine to my brain
Relief from fucking caring
A welcomed numbness
Craving for just one more hit
Knowing it was killing me


The apocalypse is tomorrow
so batton down your lungs with the red earth
wet the dust to make clay
cover yourself in what you think is your worth,
The apocalypse is tomorrow
but throw your sorrows away.
We don't need them in this deathland
we care no more about what you say.

clash of the breeds

multipurpose setting but one dimension

this breed holds a stethoscope
wheels into cardiac I.C.U
plod scavengers in effectual white
-lab rat

now in two set one scene telescope

that breed holds a chalk- nab cat
their eyes glitter more for sorcery
roost feathers and painting circled eye
nudity to feet and coral beads regalia
lightening talking directly to ears
germ hands from clay storey cavements and straw umbrella


bloom blush
therin behind the bush
the ivy hyphen squads
in crushed per centage

a reddened ruse
up harsh stairs

beneath a scanned sky
and softened hush
a streaming instrument
of crime
sinks in its shallow stainless tray
while the girl in the gown
in sleeping frown
drifts dreamland realms
a gritty sky
the yellow nicotine teeth
combing dogs graves
and mongrel collar hues
the greasy fingers of
waste climb to heavens
floors and walk for you

When folks have all the time

When folks have all the time

what are just three lines
they call it a senyru
that's no crime

they test patience
comparing with red wine
and sublime
like my visions across the oceans

I see a senyru coming
but then I promised to remain
within my own domain
and raj I can't dare annoy
nor with Ian's ideology toy
but oh boy
Barbara has forgotten me

come lets go to sea
and watch the demise of a setting sun
which has a right to rise as a reborn one

A Renga on Roses

They bloom to bring cheer
in wreaths shed silent tears
then are forgotten.

Such iconic life though short
shows how to deal with the thorns

A nice addition volunteered by Ian:-

Inside the rose bud
The perfume of feeling grows
My love is held so

So tightly within my heart
I know that she sees me there.

Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes, my friends
We have been fed with lies for many years
This deception must come to an end
or it will ravage our dreams for the future

We have been nodding our heads,
machinations serving the corrupt without intent,
puppets to the minds deprived of humanity,
allowing them to stir our lives to ruins

Open your eyes and rise
let your voice be heard,
In silence our souls have died,
let them be reborn in this life


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.