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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Emerald City

Emerald City

Thin dogs snarl ferociously
fighting for a bone
in an empty parking lot
where shapeless people moan
about inclement weather
and the rising cost of wine
all the while insisting
that their attitudes are fine

sonnet +1

on yon cerulean sisters
this heart discovers a pumice in apiary
ring wings of inkling curtains
fleece cloud like fanlight
bird rainbows covert
of sky-light reeds
mauve descendants splay
velvet illumined concussions

lace of the swift attic brew
like dew temperamental befall
charlatans bruised in hope
pore fire hush mildewed
to sapphire cobbled wires
on stone shone gales flit
pearly heatwaves - this Dorset gift


the bulbs broken
sift with a magic blackness
swing in the humid puffs

the leather jackets
the salt air
these changed up winds

ferrous tides
and stained handles
the doors like a canal
gate gushing

kisses out of boredom
in crushed holds
like diver codice
log books
silted history
in submersion

in candles lit
footsteps on heavens gate floor


My God we were mad!
To have looked at life in such an abstract way
And it was worth it still
So we ran into the night,
We danced our crazy dance,
And howled at the moon,
To let it know that down here are a bunch of mad young minds,
A bunch of reckless philosophers running wildly on the concrete,
Under the street lamps.
And eventually we stumbled into our own little reality,
We found solace in that place.
Where everything was holy and just,
And there was no need to run around wildly anymore,

Thanks to Emeka's shout ???

They must have heard you from here
with that loud noooooo!
My heart stuttered just wouldn't go
They took me in to start my heart again
and as you said they gave me a shock
with two pads on my chest,
"Stand back don't flock"

Renga On Lost Wisdom

When wise men bicker
the world is turned upsidedown
as fools multiply

Ego makes no one wiser
Misplaced pride defeats purpose

Stay your words, first think
Let the wisdom rule your voice
Speak in quiet truth

Reach out to those that need words
Let them heal naturally

Co- author
Ian T


Beneath our copious

rains wash sleek

candle wax and vortex baths
skins of sins

twine vintaged vast vermillion

drying draped damp
laying lastly sleeping
and dreamland found
bound in strands
dark and cruel
streaks of night
by lengths
and rule

rivulet tumult
bitten charmed
and broken

Mind... a lit candle This is new and latest

Mind is an ever glowing candle....
which lights up the whole world ..
lead kindly light
into the hearts of darkened souls
who need to evaluate themselves first..
than preach ,
in the shallowness of wisdom...
an egoists resort!

Short sweet and simple.

Blind No More

I sought for friendship and what did I find?
Masks of hypocriscy dancing before my eyes

I have missed out on all the signs,
the smiles and laughter adding up to lies

They came to me when life is full of fun,
only to hide when I'm sinking in deep shit

When I have survived the aches of despair,
they return to me with loads of bullshits

I have learnt my lessons about true friendship
it cannot be bought with dollars and cents

As I gained wisdom from experience,
my views changes to make better sense


Tall grass adorns the meadow
as the leaves all seem to fade,

sunshine rays help highlight
when an effort has been made.

Let not every shadow
confuse your perspective,

know inside your heart of hearts
it's all in how you live.

Ignore night's final canopy
have others do the same,

treat the light respectfully
treat it not, as if a game.

Lift high your every hopeful wish
let all your needs be known,

try and help another's plight
that's how friendships can be grown.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.