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06/24 Living With Depression

Start/end date: 
Saturday, June 1, 2024 to Sunday, June 30, 2024
Contest description: 

Description: Write a poem about living with depression


One poem per member.

Written in any form

20 lines or less


Date Due: June 30th   2024


Prize: 25 Dollar Amazon Gift Card, three-month premium, Recognition on your profile and published in our anthology.

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                                                                                     Winning  Poem

A Way Out

Submitted by Rula

As night pulls down its wild dark curtains
And heavy eyelids drop lazily,
I ponder with spider-like loomed shadows,
Thoughts torture my broken, weary soul.

Everything around my room plays tricks;
Shadows with shattered hearts wander,
Carrying bloody, slaughtered dreams,
All howl, moan in pain, "that's insane, that's insane."

I seek a way out, is there no escape?
The door's locked with heavy chains.
Windows, it seems, are all covered with tar,
Behind the sill, bars add weight.

Then more spirits seep in, multiplying,
From nowhere, to heighten the scene.
I try to cry, but my own voice chokes me,
Then a louder voice declares, "There is no way out


Winning entry: 


But the truth and bravery of this piece,

Speaks of strength


I love it


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