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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

The Voice Of A Warchild

Under a blanket of despair,
no sleep can be found.
A sweet lullaby stolen
from the lips of a mother.
Her tears forming a river
as the cacophonic sound of gunshots
greets the return of the night,
robbing the soul of peace
while harmony is torn asunder

Sentimental....... Inspired by Ian

Upon the broadened wings of sentimentality
We hope to ride free,
to enter newer vistas hopefully…
where we shall confront happiness, may be.

Such a vision only those can see
who abide in their massive belief,
that life exists beyond this earthly sojourn,
into the far reaching realms yet unknown
but some still believe they exist.

Limitation of Emotion

Cells were closed off,
Charred on the outside fresh on the in.
A wall of non-energy surrounded my skin.
Gut was disconnected from the cognitive,
No feeling not living.
My biological imperative,
To wonder why there are stars at night.
Feel a sense of peace, looking on,
even release of fright.
Feeling is the weight in every decision,
Giving meaning to orbital vision.
Morbid attrition incorporate in wisdom,
Reminder; of the limitation of emotion.
The blank page you can never write.


spreads ringlets
full of gold
and rich deep shades

a timbre
beneath the
has awakened
the river
an electrical
and found

this alarm howling
at dusk
a klaxon blaze
striking its honed
keen point
fresh soul
fresh taste
beneath boughs
bending in secret

like the delicate braid
of gold at your throat

"Another talk"

What shall I talk of, to you this evening?
Paltry little items to waste both our time's
Epic things to stir your shallow interest
No I just want to see you for what you are

What the hell do you want of me
Alright you need to know of my ways
That's a laugh as I can't relate to those
I think at an instants whim so what's next

Too much has passed my eyes to this day
To tell you in a few words, would fail both of us
You in your understanding of my ways,
and me in a feeling of being understated

5 7 5

'hark my heart stops
stress stalks me
I sweat helplessly....

The crown

evening is a germ gem
that albeit corroborates the crowns perdition
rain buds are soft on child skin
abducted pride equinox universe
diamond dispositions forged fickle of anxiety
grafted on the ranks an epaulette
dermis of a sullen sun domineering

Soliloquies of a Demented Mind (Epilogue)

I'm in a fix:
My mind's rocking back and forth like the obverse of a clock's pendullum,
In reverse simple harmonic motion, anti-clockwise as I try in vain to curtail these torrid emotion,
This quicksand I'm sinking in,
I'm caught in a permanent paroxysm/ Enmeshed in a maelstrom of a vortex trying to suck me in,
Like a fisherman winding his rod backwards my mind is reeling,
I look foward to the future propheticaly;
while simultaneously I flashback into my past retrospectively,

Silence too Menacing

Where are you, love?
You're not here by my side
There's a stranger on our bed,
lying with me every night

He wears your face
with a missing smile
He did not embrace
your zeal for life, your style

I yearn for your touch
for your calming voice to soothe my heart
I don't ask for much
I just want your love never to part

My soul is shouting in anger
but the silence is impenetrable
I can't stand this any longer!
Save me from this mad cycle

Snow Job

Even the bars are empty
on a windy Friday night;
no one has the strength
or cash
to even drink enough
to momentarily forget
their golden cages.

Freedom rings
they tell us,
in this land stolen
from the weak,
made richer by the weaker
and the force
of others used
to make them work,

but the only truely free
are those who
can afford to flee.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.