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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

*P H A N T I S M A L A T I O N Z *

Settling in the spring stirring
the lights focus dazed
an echo soft craving droplets
dripping velvet

tasting like candy
smokey darkness
enveloped in negatives
emerging like a chrysalis
pushed through hours
of longing

raised ghostflesh
through sheens of shirts
the buttons like moons
pearl and hardened
silk labels parch edged
rubbings against the
thirty three bones of

truth in photocopiers

I’ll tell you a story,
a true one.
It’s starts out boring,
but gets better.
I worked as a photocopier
(how demeaning is that?
when your job title is the name of your machine.)
But I digress.
I worked as a photocopier.
Not your little office machines.
Great big industrial motherfuckers.
(glad I’m not a great big industrial motherfucker)
I digress easily,
it was a boring job.
not life,
endless needless things seldom read.
(I’m getting near the interesting bit)

Sarcastically Miserable ( A dirge to trite angst)

Woe is me oh
I am a torn soul
torn Torn
between two worlds’

One black
one gray
woe is me
a candle
A candle
in a storm
never enough light
to see the ground
upon which
are pieces of me.

Shattered, I am shattered
and I can not embrace
life or anything new
for my hands are, are torn,
torn and filled with
the jagged pieces of me.

Adrift, I am adrift
through life
an empty vessel
that longs only to be
filled with melancholy.

I Love You, Mother

A crown of stars,
A gown of silken glory
will never suffice
to show what you mean to me

No man can understand
the stress of child-bearing
as one grows in your womb
through nine months of aching

No man can know the pain
of woman in labour,
risking her precious life,
giving birth to another

If I lose a good friend,
I can find another
but none can replace you,
Not now, not ever

That is why, Dear Mother
I will always love you
now and forever
this will always be


Mr. Butle was an older guy.
He'd hardly ever smile,
head always bowed and stature slumped,
most of his words were full of bile,

Yet everyone thought well of him,
he had that valued "Midas touch"
so most overlooked his grumpy ways,
his grumbles, frowns and such.

His wife always dressed to the hilt.
For an older lady she looked good
yet her smile seemed somehow cold
as she walked about the neighborhood.

I Love You

I'm not sure how to begin
I haven't been into my feelings
For quite some time but then
I meet you crazy sexy appealing
In every way and by no means
Do I intend to let you slip away
You're like a dream that I deem
True. Serene, my brightest day,
My queen, my sweet escape
From the numbness, from the pain
The forced hate, the being afraid
To feel again. Truthfully, I'm amazed
At first, I wasn't sure how to begin
Nervous, this still being somewhat new

The curse of Kali (for Alid)

Dr Chaz I am near you

From the legends of Kali

I heard the churning of the Ocean
There the milk frothed and changed state
A poison I have brewed for my enemies
Madhva can relate this story true to you

It with me, are now locked in legend
Or so it is told to all men to deceive
Halahala will be mine to give too many
Even Vaya tried to make it weak

His winds could not reduce Halahala
A gift of the milky Oceans fury
Shiva he turned blue with just a sip
In a gold pot, held in the arms of Vaya.

Dusk to Dawn

When Sun bids adieu
the greens wave in gratitude
for keeping their grins

At night they enact their role
wiping some carbon footprints

Moon glides merrily
a ballet on starlit stage
the crickets applaud

Floral tributes greet at dawn
in rose buds speckled with gems

A Night In The Forest

Somewhere in the trees,
a hooting owl greets the night
restless bats take flight

Spying on the moon,
a young crow is mesmerized
by her great beauty

Where fireflies gather,
tiny merry lights linger,
teasing the shadows

While the crickets sing
celebrating the dark hour
with their own rhythm

The night comes alive
with the sound of hunting beasts
fighting or survival....

Desire to hold

Well, let me hold you!
We have many things to hold
what all you want to hold
just let me know
when you yourself are held,
no one will let you go
without breaking a weld
so hold on
I shall await
a message from you
till then I shall hold on
my prettiest one on to you!


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