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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

the sacred

a gusts eyes
mated fire,
meted torch; touch endeared
flint torque

heartbeat pugilist
colliding hermitage
from snake covulated
stream silhouette

juniper evergreen
desires....fiery venomous
jaffar nascent
foretaste sun nibbles

bliss brine of the corporeal...nuptial
and the bleeds rose healed

A Gift From The Rain

Grim faces from the sky
brings forth the heavenly tears.
Sheltered from nature's whims
I sat in my house, welcoming
the memories of my youth
when I was only a child,
playing with friends in the rain.
Unafraid of the lightning,
ignorant of what harm it could bring,
squealing in delight,
laughing and dancing around
before our angry mothers
called all of us home..
Those are the good old days
I will never forget,
the gift of fond memories
which return when it rains......

Metro Nights with Digit (Visit to the USA)

The darkness woke Digit in his room
He knew he would have to wander soon
The Ramadan in Eastside he chose to hide
To find for his sharpened blade a bride

It was a cool evening in full swing
Digit left to do his nasty thing
To the prime of the city he did go
On the Metro he would start his show

Greeting the gate keeper as he smiled
Don’t worry you are safe my child
Let me catch a train to anywhere
Let’s see a ticket to butcher and scare


ENGAGE this day
jump to the day
large wide eye
heart beat jazz
the radio blaring out its sunny cheeze
and tear away the crumpled sheets
awake the car and roll the streets

hot splash of sunshine
falling behind the dark
rimmed ovals
sharp rays
dark shadows

Poignant End

A tasteful spectacle
To the point
With vivid imagery I assure you
Which closed with a strange sadness
Leaving you happy in the stomach,
But distraught in the mind.
And alas
As the curtain fell
I clapped dearly in my heart
But all that was heard
Was my indifferent cough
Those who had laughed most enthusiastically,
Left the quickest,
And I,
Was now somewhat offended,
For crime had been committed against the arts,
I turned to my beloved cohorts to say,
“Did you like it?”

Senryu For the love of sunset

red glaucoma eyes
dry achy blurred cornea
seize a sunset drop

buttercup hopper

papal dewry palpable
a min lee bulb
vascular with pulp papal
cells a ray leash his lime hue

a garner
festoon of garland gathers
medals to he- a pole vault champion
basest to the earths sojourn

i was working in the corn tuffet
my slash almost thrust his ribbon rib
i must mend; cuddling him close
stroking his pouch
and his two radio signals, i whelp

i open my palms, he takes his freedom
this comes the time of true love

Another Now

Was it a door that dissolved in front of me?
I felt the same as yesterday, yet a feeling of full
There in front of my senses I rode a rainbow
I was part of a rainbow, was this a dream

Feelings transformed into shades of colours
I was at peace there, no surprise just being
A voice came to my colours asking me to feel
“Feel with the mind a mixture of memory and now.”

Life's Cycle

Listen to the sound of rustling leaves,
the voice of the silent trees,
greeting Man and beasts
in each passing breeze.

At times a nudge of the wind
sheds a few leaves to earth,
scattering them with its whimsical flow
without decreasing their worth..

They will become one with the land,
nourishing it further through time
so that the life cycle will not end
the sacrifice continues for a new lifetime

Such is the way of Mother Nature
since the beginning of time...


Hey, welcome to the subway
I am the gatekeeper
You are going to need to swipe

Sorry, I will be right back
Sir, stop bending the metro card
You are hurting my friend
Oh, keep it up Sir
I really have all day

My job has perks
I am the entrance
To the underground
Wait, I will be right back

Sir, please don’t jump
The last genius
Received a summons


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