Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

moonless night

throng by the wayside moon
a faceless lotus plume
the dawn were his of a man
encountering the spirit ones indanthrene
match of masquerades recast
birthcry... concourses barefoot
unseen wind pluck by collage
sullen weary spider maze
snuff wizard to sprinkle
lyre of mangroove ceadars
in servitude picks graze
after bows blitz adulation
dais pierce light blade; bear fruit
to leafage-compass of how they yearn vigil

Racing home to beat the storm
from another sylvan scout
I'm headed where it's dry and warm
a refuge from tempests about.

Alas the rains catch up with me
and overwhelm the wiper blades.
The deluge makes it hard to see
as water pelts adjacent glades.

Lightning strobes its actinic way,
shaking my bones with its deep thunder
while gusts of wind make large trees sway.
I seek a shelter to park under.

Poetry today

IN a modern world …very few enjoy …much less read poetry
but I stand as the

Rock of Gibralta,

composing myself created imagination
in the form of poetic emotion
so many do read
one poetry or another
why bother

no dimes are needed
guys look for dames
and gals want to play games
some think they are the only ones in existence,
whilst they are nowhere
on my minds maps composition


The brook always speaks
It sounds like babble to ears
Doesn't speak to thee

The Questions that Torment My Mind

Today I noticed how the sky
looked without you by my side and
I was surprised that the promised
doom appeared to have departed
along with your final goodbye.
Why couldn't you have left sooner?


Future Past Intense

My future now is in the past,
Events that happen, happen FAST
And even she; who once was mine,
I seem to anger, all the time.

Unsteady on my feet, I fear
Another fall, like that last year.
When crumbling bones left me in pain,
Still hurting, don’t want that again.

Old age has little to commend it
(The Parkinson’s alone might end it)
Our hope grows fainter, will they find
Solutions, cures for damaged minds.


domiciliary carring crocodiles

chauvinism erode dog-eat vivarium
sabbatical squares
forehead appendix two logs
young at heart dies
shallows vapour black crown behind
uneven brothers at unrest
in pizza modicum
the storage capacity
of crocodiles computers kin
well aware of fledged from fire-wood
carrying transparency shallot
scullery of gagger shank


She was a sequoia seed
Planted in a pot and
Fed rose rations

After all
Who doesn't like flowers?

Senryu Peace and quiet please

peace and quiet please
active granddaughter, age two-
silence is golden

The Bard 23 April 2014

Stratford-Upon –Avon …450
The bard
Ladies and Gentlemen…
Today some 450 years away
An infant was born
to become the Bard
never be forgotten
by not only Stratford –Upon- Avon
The entire world

Such souls come once
in one’s life time
to live
In the hearts of memorable humanity
for times immemorial

So let the world join
in the memory of the one
who composed theatrical poems…
those live in their existence
even today
450 years away.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.