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She ponders where her penned life went,
words and seasons already spent,

like love sonnets from Italy,
cached into faded potpourri.

Her muse now wanders down a lane
of wild bramble, veiled and arcane.

Verses, lost, gently stepped aside.
Many moved on, while some have died.

Ardent thoughts, now seem less than prime,
perhaps they sense they're past their time.

Still, many lovely rhymes remain
as she ambles on down her lane...

peaceful poems may rise again,
she'll not know how, she'll know not when.

But on her pathway, forged and free,
she'll plant poetic potpourri.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
On losing one's muse.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


sentiment in this meandering expression, Lavender. Line 14 has an especial charm in the reversal of "not" and "know". I imagine the writer strolling under the big blue on a lane bordered by lavender. The word "charming" comes to mind.


. like my lost dreams...the flood

Thank you for reading this little poesy. I appreciate your comment about line 14! That was a bit of fun!

author comment

I really like this:

peaceful poems may rise again,
she'll not know how, she'll know not when.

But on her pathway, forged and free,
she'll plant poetic potpourri.

You always have the loveliest poems!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I always appreciate your kind comments.
Thank you!

author comment

you always write the nicest poems! I bet that you could not write an evil poem. so...I challenge you! No time frame, just however long it takes.Please notify me when you post it, okay?

*ever, eddy
*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Ha, ha! You are too wickedly wonderful! I accept your challenge, and I'll give it a whirl! It absolutely will not be as outstandingly evil as yours! :)

author comment

I can hardly wait for you to rise to the challenge! So many just think it a joke. my money is on you, kid!

*ever, eddy

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

No joke! I'll be reworking something I wrote a few years ago. Just can't go there very often. But it is an exceptional gift that I see in you, Geezer, and others, and I respect it. Maybe post tomorrow?
Thanks, Eddy.

author comment

Hello Lavender.

I really enjoyed this one!

My favorite lines are: Still many lovely lines remain
as she ambles on down her lane...
peaceful poems may rise again,
she'll not know how, she'll know not when.

Reminds me of the writer's block that many of us experience and the hope that hopeful, poetic thoughts are on the horizon.
Thanks for sharing! - Will

Writer's block can be frustrating - but usually something pretty cool follows!
Thank you so much for reading!

author comment

This feels like me with respect to my muse. Of course, I am nowhere near as prolific as many on this site, but the feeling of poetic opportunities lost, and unknown opportunities yet to come resonates with me. I very much enjoyed reading this one.


You and your muse must be very connected. You write beautiful poetry.
Most of the time, I sit down and have no idea where the words are going, but it's a rewarding journey.
Thank you for reading!

author comment
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