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Poetry, Unpublished

She created it to shake snow
off trembling mountain tops,
bring light to lost souls in the void of purgatory.

It was hoped to
open blind eyes,
yield intersession and meditation
and pass along peace wrapped in
bundles of unconditional love

like an aid convoy, or perhaps,
a rainbow.

Yes, a rainbow

spanned over miles and kilometers
of this poetry famished world.

It was composed, then perfectly polished.

Yet, somewhere buried beneath the melted snow,
the faded, deflated rainbow,
(or, maybe, the shy temperament of the poet,)
the poem lost its verve
leaving bits of soggy parchment paper
smeared with dull ink in the cold, confusing rain.

Not so much happens with a finished poem.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Poetry is a gesture of communication, to be shared.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I just hope your words to reach and be read as many people as possible
Your poetry is so good to be (and I quote) "buried beneath the melted snow, the faded, deflated rainbow,"
And the last line is a killer.
This really resonates deeply with me


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Poetry brings such a strong connection and understanding between people. Meant to be shared as much as possible. Without poetry, I wouldn't have you, your friendship and your beautiful poems in my life! I am grateful!

author comment

Hi Lavender, another lovely exploration of your words. Your imagery is magnificent and paints a true picture in words. How many of those unpublished poems do we have sitting on our hards drives, in our notebooks, on scraps of paper hiding on our desks?
Great job, well done, Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Yes! I can almost hear their voices pleading to let them out so they can go wild and breathe! I don't do much in the way of social media anymore, but look forward to sharing our thoughts and ideas through our poetry here. I'm so glad you've returned. Your "voice" has been missed!
Thank you,

author comment

It is much like the wounding of a soul...

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

True. Such a sad neglect that needs to heal. Always grateful that we share our love of poetry, and so much of our vulnerable, authentic selves here. Hope you are doing well, Cat! (and Eddy, too.)

author comment

many thanks for your caring...I see my Dr. on Friday. either this one or the next. I am patiently waiting... Steven is great usually but has hip issues when it rains. He is always super supportive!

*hugs, xxx Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I'm sorry for your health issues, and hope your doctor visit gives you relief! I'm not surprised that Steven is so supportive, and I hope his hip issues subside, too. Summers can be a problem with the heat, humidity, and rain.
You are blessed with one another!

author comment

that perhaps your message was that an unfinished poem has more life than one that has been finished and left to languish,
having spilled its message and then slunk away to die. I guess that sometimes, we have different perspectives. At any rate, you have made me think, and that is the purpose of it all, right?
~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I was thinking about poems that are written, polished, and then left hidden somewhere, unread by anyone else. But, I like your version, too, and can completely understand how you see that! You are right, that is the magic of poetry, and one of the reasons I love sharing with you and reading your work, as well as everyone on this site.
Thank you!

author comment would write sonnets...


. like my lost dreams...the flood

I'm always open to any encouragement for a sonnet, the loveliest poetry form. Now I'm off to read your latest clever limerick!
Thank you, Thomas!

author comment certainly have the vocabulary and talent. Speculating over the content in this piece, I think you have some sonnet that would knock the socks off us here. I have many pieces I won't share for likely the same reasons.

Cheers, Lavender!


. like my lost dreams...the flood

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