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Where Does Love Come From

It is not concrete.
Seemingly intangible.

Unlike elegant china from the cabinet,
dusted off and gently placed on
the heirloom tablecloth,
starched, unfolded linen napkins,
spesh and saved for holidays.

Not like the wedding band
dressing the ring finger, glorifying
vows of loyalty, faithfulness, and fidelity.

Unlike those symbols and physical tokens
of affection - ticket stubs commemorating first concerts,
locks of hair, ribbons from opened presents,
photos of birthdays, anniversaries and shared memories.

Love is not conservable.
It flows freely, journeys within unlimited space,
sings with laughter, and tastes salty tears.

We can be unkind,
cruel, selfish, and harsh.
Things easily learned from this sometimes angry
and defeated world.

But what of love?
Rooted within the all,
entwined within the ever-all.
No lessons to learn, no conditional rules.

Some super-natural non-beginning
roving endlessly onward to unknown ports of call.

Omnipresent, from no origin we understand.
Eternal and gracefully triumphant.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


a different take on the vagaries of an emotion most often described with hearts and flowers, acts of kindness, devotion, and
observable mechanizations. We tend to think of love as a commodity that is either deserved or not. Refreshing to hear that
we may obtain it without paying, but if lost, it becomes the most valuable thing we have. I enjoyed the lines:

"Omnipresent, from no origin we understand.
Eternal and gracefully triumphant."

~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

This is a bit abstract, but a sincere thought / question, just the same. Hard to limit its meaning with words. I agree - once lost, we realize love is the most valuable thing there is.
Thank you for reading and sharing your own thoughts!

author comment

This is really creative. I love how you went from the touchable to the more abstract. I love the china thing.
The last couple of lines are very wise, very profound.
I simply like everything about this one.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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This is abstract, for certain. I may come back to it some day and possibly feel completely different. I'm always grateful for your input.
Thank you, My Friend!

author comment

I've read that love is one of the hardest topics to write about - it's true for me. Tried to pin-point its origin as opposed to the opposite extreme or neutral feelings. Thank you so much for reading this and passing your reflections along. Always wonderful to understand one another's thoughts.
I appreciate it!

author comment
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