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Recent work

Created Updated Type Title
18 Jul 2024 19 Jul 2024 poem An Inspired Limerick
13 Jul 2024 13 Jul 2024 poem Sailing while Sailing
7 Jul 2024 14 Jul 2024 poem Another One for Obi (getting mature themed)
16 Mar 2024 13 Jul 2024 poem My Bairns A-Stray
12 Feb 2024 16 Feb 2024 poem Ol' Yeller and the Coyote
28 Jan 2024 19 Feb 2024 poem Wolf Moon
12 Jan 2024 12 Jan 2024 poem Brain teaser
17 Dec 2023 1 Jan 2024 poem Getting Old (some language)
12 Dec 2023 25 Dec 2023 poem Too Late
8 Dec 2023 8 Dec 2023 poem Stay
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