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Monster Under My Bed

The monster lurks inside my head
Not hidden under the bed
With murderous, vengeful claws
Crushing my sanity with its blows

Twisting, turning every thought
What's left of my brain cells
Have begun to rot
Spoiled on love's broken promises

The monster inside my head
Crawls out from under the bed
Suffocating me with its demon breath
Sucking the soul from my body

Black rose on the bed
Monster inside my head
Nothing left to say
He left me for dead

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I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem's exploration of inner turmoil and emotional distress is a compelling subject matter, and the metaphor of a monster is a powerful tool to convey this. However, the poem could benefit from greater consistency in its metaphors and imagery.

For instance, the monster is initially described as being inside the head, but then it is mentioned as crawling out from under the bed. This could potentially confuse readers as to the monster's actual location and metaphorical significance. It would be beneficial to clarify this point for a more coherent narrative.

The use of the phrase "spoiled on love's broken promises" is an interesting way to express the cause of the speaker's distress. However, the poem could delve deeper into this aspect, perhaps by elaborating on these broken promises or their effects on the speaker, to provide more emotional depth and context.

The final stanza introduces a new symbol, the black rose. While this is a striking image, its connection to the rest of the poem is not immediately clear. It would be helpful to further develop this image and its relationship to the monster or the speaker's emotional state.

The rhythm and rhyme scheme of the poem could also be more consistent to enhance the flow and readability. For example, the second stanza does not follow the AABB rhyme scheme used in the first and last stanzas.

Overall, the poem has a strong emotional core and uses vivid imagery, but could benefit from more clarity and consistency in its metaphors, development of its themes, and adherence to a consistent rhythm and rhyme scheme.

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I enjoyed this, there are a lot of lines that made me think about the turmoil created and how in the dark hours we are all subject to our own thoughts. I liked the way you linked themonster in your head to the monster under the bed. Well done, great poem. Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

I stepped out side the usual Boogeyman poem. Sometimes our head is definitely scarier than what lurks under the bed.


author comment

I, too like your poem and enjoyed your variation on presentation. it reasserted your charming personal sense of style. the content is very effective. good work!

*love, Cat

best of luck to you!

*eddy styx

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

So good to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed. Hope you are doing well!


author comment

Great poem Rose. The real monsters are in our head. Your poem is hard to beat!

It really is true...the monsters live within our own head. Thank you for the comment


author comment

chilling, to say the least. To know that nothing that lives beneath your bed, could beat the demons in your head. I see that it resonates with no few poets here. Nice job. ~ Geez

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

The mind is a scary place and definitely there is nothing scarier than ones own thoughts. Thank you for the praise and read.


author comment

Hi, Carrie,
Enjoyed all of this, but that final stanza, especially "black rose on the bed" was profound. Clever take on the contest theme - and so true.

I sat down to write and that is what came forth. Plenty of time this month to write spooky stuff!!! Thank you for the read and comment.


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