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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Everything I Have Lost

Everything I have lost
is piling up in front
of me.

My heart is broke
and it's all
because of me.

The tears that fall
from my eyes
won't get a second

For I am the one who
does these things
that truly make me

What have I done?
What do I do?
As I sit here writing
this poem to you.

For I have lost
I have even lost you.

Tell the devil not to
worry that
he might see me
real soon.

The Girl on The Bench: An Internal Dialogue

You see that girl there
On the wooden chair, looking into her cup?
Do you know what she’s been through
Why she’s looking so down and so fed up?
You see that man there?
Next to the girl, he won’t give in
He’s trying to help, but the chances are slim.
Do you know what I’m saying?
It’s the thought that counts
It’s the right thing to do
Not a slight bit of doubt.
Do you see what’s in front
Of your eyes? I’ll be blunt:
I’m trying to tell you
That you should also be there


On each hand, we carry the
Very tools of discovery
Sometimes, forgetting, of
Course, those delicate
Cameras attached to each
Finger, until damaged
Teaching us through each
Painful prick, the delightful
Sensations and images we
So often ignore

Rose tinted lenses

glasses on
stepping out onto the pavement
shuffling feet to bide your way
into the known everyday

encountered on the tube
keep company for a while
they pile on top of other files

lost and found
all discarded things frown on your person
as they are visited and rummaged through
stealing whatever remained true

to drown out a futile sort of nostalgia
friends, family, other figures
and flowery reminders that still linger

Face Down in the Stream...

I was stumbling to my destination
trying to find a way
In a fog and in desperation
hadn't written a thing in days

I was drunk with anticipation
teetered on the lip
Had some trouble with creation
then I had to go and slip

I was face down in the stream
trying hard to breathe
I thought sure it was a dream
when I saw the funeral wreath

The current tried to grab my soul
make excuses to my muse
said there were many stories
that we could surely use


the impregnation of thought
is fertilized in a profound
silence of time

the human mind
is the ethereal element
of the spirit

he treads beyond
the horizon of his
imaginative boundaries

and explores the capacity
of his mental prowess
on his poetic province

poet's mind propels
a creative energy
to delve into

the realm of thoughts
ideas and swim
beneath the oceans

of wisdom and creativity

©® Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu

They Called Her Satan by: (eddy styx)

I watched her from safety,
a fair pace away.
Her satiny speech drew
my surprised attention.
It was not just her voice,
but the way she used it.
It was hypnotic, in a way
I cannot describe...
I was completely enthralled,
I am not easily taken in
by beauty's allure, but,
her green eyes meeting mine
were soft, large and seductive.
Resting my back to the wall
I steadied myself, finding composure
remembering why I was there.
Her reputation for cruelty
in breaking hearts and trust

Stinging Solitude Stretches

When stinging solitude stretches its arms
about you
then think of me only
how my warmth spreads about the moon
you all call it
Honey Moon

how true
as my wings spread far and wide
across the universal stride
then you can't your solitude describe
may you be the best of scribe
solitude shall vanish
as does the eclipse

come out and see me standing
in the bitterly chill wind
like a statue
unlike you

Three Friends

A stormy night dark
and cold
were three friends
as the story is told.

They were strong,
never weak for the
fear inside ran very

But on Halloween
night they decided
to play nothing but
Ouija the devils speaking game.

The first friend
looked through the
oracle and couldn't scream
for the scream she
had was took by something
ugly and mean.


There's a moment in everyone's life
When the fire in their heart takes over
Heart racing, adrenaline on overload
As the toughest battle draws closer

You brace yourself and get prepared
You won't quit until you complete the mission
You grit your teeth, give it your all
It's high time you knock out the competition


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.