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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The New Poet

In this foreign platform,
Of gifted poets,
Where talents are displayed,
In different forms.

In this foreign platform,
A new poet joined,
To unwrap his scriptures,
To share what he's got.

To make known his hand work,
writing emotions in words,
To not sit in silence,
Underrating his worth.

Black Flag

Poison words
Flowing from your tongue
My name must taste good
In every song you've sung

Pull a dagger, Bitch
Then I'll pull a sword
The time has come
You're not the adored

Hide and seek
A little too late
No one likes ugly
Time to meet fate

Run, run
As fast as you can
Don't worry, I'll catch you
I'm the bitchilante hitman

Visit To A Circus

In front of me, my life does cascade

As I watch clowns dance in a parade

They try to make a fool out of me

They do not know; through them, I see

Their laughter and smiles bring me pain

I know that behind them is only disdain

I leap around, going from circus to circus

Plunge myself further into my darker surface

Trampolines and ballerinas catch my eyes

As they summersault through their lies

Balloons, elephants, and peanuts abound

Making a mockery of my every sound

The roar of the crowds and laughter too

Acknowledge Me...

She's waiting in the wings
for a place in the spotlight
the work she's done for it
all culminates tonight

She's ranged far, so far
in search of tales to tell
brought them to the Master
who weaves them into spells

Spells to enchant the reader
suspend belief and more
Looking for the tales
behind forbidden doors

She trembles, nervous, prickles
Now here he comes, his majesty.
He's through the list of thank You's.
Bb but, he's forgotten all about ME!

Divided We Stand

My opinion is wrong
And yours is right
My views are better
I've seen the light

You just don't get it
You're stupid and dumb
Your hurtful words
Make my heart numb

Don't we see we're tearing down
What we are made to repair
We don't have to agree, we won't
But that doesn't mean we can't care

In Memory Of The Good Times

When I think of you,
I remember the bad times first.
Slamming doors,
Hidden tears,
Words sharp as knives.

But the good times are not lost to those memories.

I remember our mornings before work,
Hot coffee and cigarettes on a cold, winter day before the sun came up.
We would chat about nothing as we sipped and puffed away.
Those first silent moments of the day were always special to me.

Tales Of Ancient Greece : Cruel Gods

From Aphrodite's gentle hand,
A gift was given,
Of a ring of great opulence and rarity,
Its exquisite beauty forged by Hephaestus himself,

What mortal could deserve such a boon,
Except for the young and innocent maiden,
Of the Epirus mountains,
Pure of heart and soul,

The girl blushed and took the gift,
And placed it upon her finger,
As white lightening surged through her body,
Making her feel as light as a feather,
While a wave of euphoria washed over her,

This afternoon I see you

shouting out to me

across the space between us.

And, clever as I am,

I keep the space a chasm;

my mind indeed a mumble

of mindless mumbo-jumbo:

Of such are media’s mantras.


But, sun behind me, warm

shadows point to you:

your petals splayed and orange,

how spread and full and round:

We Twist And Turn

We twist and turn
like a storm in the

We shimmer and
shine like stars
in the darkened

Even though the
darkness might
seem blue there's
still more things to
say to you.

We spin like a top
round and round
we spin so hard
we might just hit the

The ground is dry
and hard like stone
promise me we will
never let go.

Winter surprise

Winter surprise
Faint sunrise
Hope beyond

Loving days
Beyond time
Two hearts meld

Conquers all
Day by day


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.