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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Twisted Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas,
Papa Noir's firing up the hearse.
The back's filled with a coffin shaped sack.
A happy Holiday curse!

The skeletons dangled
from the closet with cheer.
In hopes their final ride
would soon be near.

The halls are decked
with fingers and toes.
Even the demons stopped by
to kiss the Mistlehoe!

Cookies laced with arsenic
followed by a vodka chaser.
The party's just begun.
His festive bag encased her!

offers his interpretation of critical race theory

I, (an articulate, charming, domesticated,
erudite, friendly, genteel, humorous, intelligent,
kind, learned, male, albeit modest – married)
with freshly clipped formerly gnarly toenails
discounts the popularized myth
encompassing world wide
webbed historical events
despite being taught Northern Europeans
owned preeminent supreme paradigm,
whereby hegemony instituted,
enforced, and blanketed
upon conquered peoples.


Sweep the first few flakes away
No matter, soon much more
Oh no, here it comes
We will win this battle today
Shovels ready, and salted sidewalks
Tea and coffee breaks
Overtime will be allowed
Repeat those old mistakes
Mash the gas to beat the crowd


At first, it was your smile, I was lost wondering how beautiful it shone and lit up the room.

In denial, you gave me warmth when I was blue, The scent of flowers all over you seemed bliss, and The daydream I hated became me.

You were my daydream.

Acceptance, I laughed at a fairytale, A knife in my thighs reminded me that you were only the sun.

As you lit up you set rather too soon.


Lend me your shoes
and I will try to walk
that proverbial mile.

Ah, yes. They are heavy,
and much too tight,
quite battered and worn
along the soles.
But still,
let me try to walk.

I step past your memories -
the hazy parts of your life
that didn't fit properly.
It feels like a dancer wearing a straitjacket,
confining and suffocating,
all wrong and stiff, almost - jagged.

Come December, Reworked (For My Geezer!)

She stands at the bathroom sink
in a glow of soft artificial light,
face to face with her reflection.
Applying nightly moisturizing cream
to the apples of her cheeks and
all the mountains and valleys.
They hold the lines and wrinkles
that tell the progressive
story of her life.
She wonders if it matters,
if anything can
stay the hands of time.
She struggles to find
the woman in the mirror
in the girl within her mind!

Alcohol abuse attracts boredom in abundance
A bonified abandonment of all that amounts to ‘being’
Clarifying clearly what’s certainly the culprit of
Detonating delirious dreams: it delves deep under skin
The devil is the drink, and if you drink you will sink
Life will eventually end – evade what seems ecstatic
Loyal friends; family, fragile fortuitous times
Gin-soaked jeans; guilt, and ghastly nightly girls
Hating what’s horrendous; the half-heartfelt held-hands
Heading to hotels, with heinous hyena-like humans

Hour of the Devil

3 am, the hour of the devil arrives
A time when the darkness fills our eyes
Our inner demons start to spin
And the fear of the unknown is about to begin

The silence is so loud that it fills our ears
Forcing us to face our fears
Our souls seem lost in a void of despair
And the only thing you can do is just sit and stare

Thoughts of doubt and worry
Pollute the air and make it scary
But we can fight these demons and banish them away
And bravely go on with a new day.

My Waning Sun

And i’ll tell you tomorrow
of the rumblings
The rumblings of an atheist
or a pessimists wife

I’ll tell you tomorrow
of the protests
of her father and son
Though she’d sooner call it a strife

I’ll tell you tomorrow
as the sun is now gone
And my veins seem to jump from my skin
Peering past the mountains, much far beyond
Hoping to catch the sun on a whim


She came to my room like I knew she would,
Buzzing around and up to no good...
I could hear her there but I just couldn’t see,
This nasty creature who was torturing me...

Another sleepless night for sure,
I was still awake at a quarter to four...
I begged her for mercy but wouldn’t you know it,
It’s not in her nature to ever show it...

Her shadow I saw on the wall by the curtain,
Just one thing to do, that much was for certain...
Only her death would end this fight,
I jumped out of bed and turned on the light...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.