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Come December, Reworked (For My Geezer!)

She stands at the bathroom sink
in a glow of soft artificial light,
face to face with her reflection.
Applying nightly moisturizing cream
to the apples of her cheeks and
all the mountains and valleys.
They hold the lines and wrinkles
that tell the progressive
story of her life.
She wonders if it matters,
if anything can
stay the hands of time.
She struggles to find
the woman in the mirror
in the girl within her mind!

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem presents a vivid and intimate portrait of a woman contemplating her aging reflection. The use of metaphor, specifically "the apples of her cheeks and all the mountains and valleys," effectively conveys the physical changes that come with age. The phrase "stay the hands of time" is a common idiom, and while it fits the theme, it could be reworked to be more original and impactful.

The transition from the woman's external view to her internal struggle is well-executed, creating a strong emotional connection for the reader. However, the last line could be more specific to provide a clearer image of the 'girl within her mind'. Is she remembering herself at a particular age or time in her life? Specific details could make this image more poignant.

The poem could also benefit from a more consistent rhythm or meter to enhance its musicality and flow. As it stands, the rhythm is somewhat irregular, which can disrupt the reader's engagement.

Overall, the poem effectively explores the theme of aging and self-perception, but could be improved with more original language, specific imagery, and a consistent rhythm.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Remember AI this is free verse!

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author comment

I find myself doing this looking back at old photos, in addition to the mirror..sometimes it is hard to recognize myself in that once happy child. So many times I wish I could go back in time with what I know now about myself and others and how I would've rewritten my story. Your poem resonated with me and was a beautiful example of what we, as humans, go through as we age and experience life.


This challenge really hit home for me...I took a bad spill. falling down, yesterday. in a few years younger I would have been quicker and caught myself. The ambulance attendants are getting to know me by first name! I sprained an ankle and only broke a toe. I am banged up all over and can hardly walk to day. I am lucky not to have broken something more serious. I count my blessings.

thank you so much for reading and commenting on my poem.

*hugs and good wishes, Cat

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author comment

Sorry to hear of your fall! I hope you heal quickly and am glad that albeit painful, it wasn't more severe. Feel better soon!


Thank you for your kindness.

*love & hugs, Cat

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author comment

Ouch, oh no. I hope you're feeling better and are on the road to recovering soon.

Your poem is really good, I thought it unfolded perfectly and was on target for the challenge. Well done, Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

sweet Ruby.

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once again, given us a look at a person who sees themselves in the mirror. I too, look at pictures of me, a younger man, and
wonder where did the person in the picture go? I saw the struggle of the older version of oneself, trying to hold back the hands of time, and wondering if it really matters. I too, hope that your recovery is swift and glad that you didn't break anything more important than a sprained ankle and a broken toe. A good look at the mind that realizes that it is all a matter of how you look at it, [the image in the mirror]. I do deplore the missing punctuation and capitalization. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Is that really you? Thank you for such a nice Christmas gift. This really made my day. Now, I won't complain, for a while. LoL
Not! ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I will try to keep it up...but I cannot do much about eddy, LOL! I am glad you liked it >{^*;*^}<

*Love, Cat

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author comment

Hello, Cat,
I'm so sorry about your accident! Wow! Hope you heal quickly and are up and around soon!

Beautiful title here which enhances the entire poem. I can relate to this, too. It's sobering to think about one's age, especially when we look in the mirror. It seems it all happened so fast, and what I see in my reflection doesn't reflect how I feel inside. Well written.
Take good care!

I find when I look in a reflective surface, I do not recognize myself! I do not look like how I feel... Thank you for sharing with me and for your kind wishes!

*love & holiday wishes, Cat

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author comment

Your poem reminds me of the thoughts that go through my mind when I look at pictures of a younger me. Many times, they seem to be pictures of different person in different story. Yet, when I look in the mirror, I see my grandfather staring back at me. This aging thing, in some ways, seems to be just as confusing as my teenage years.

Great poem. My favorite lines are:
She struggles to find
the woman in the mirror
in the girl within her mind!


The grandfather with the chipmunk? or the other one? I love that picture!

*love, Cat

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What I inherited from that grandfather was not turning gray so quickly, but I don't really look like him. It is my other grandfather, the one on my father's side, that stares back at me.


Touching poem, the relevance grows with the years,
(glaucoma helps dull pain)

Apt title, nicely done.


I seem to be finding new ways to find pain through my clumsiness! thank you for reading and commenting on my poem about ageing.

*hugs, Cat

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As we all grow older we are amazed to see the differences from an earlier age. Yet somehow we also can think with joy about those early days and thank God for what we have now because of those days! My
View of things.
Sorry to hear about your pains, hope you are better.

thank you for telling me your angle on ageing. I agree, it is because of the places I'd been and who I was, that made me who I am... A Woman very much in love with her husband. and a poet.

Thank you for wishing me well *hugs, Cat

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author comment

Great poem. I loved the last lines

She struggles to find
the woman in the mirror
in the girl within her mind!

A look that all older people find when facing themselves in the mirror.

I take your words as high praise. Thank you so very much!

*hugs & love, Cat

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author comment

Hi Cat.

As with all the comments above, I enjoyed the poem and can definitely relate to it's contents. At 80, I look into the mirror and ask, "Who is that old goat"? Valleys and wrinkles so deep that they probably couldn't be filled with anything other than trowels of concrete but that seems extreme.

Enough about me and back to you. Congratulations on a well deserved win, and GET WELL SOON.

When I happen to look in the mirror (Which is not often) it is a shock to me to see the face of a stranger! Thank you so very much for reading and commenting on my self-absorbed poem, lol. I do not feel my age until bed time. Steven helps me get both in and out of bed as I am handicapped. (bad knees) Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself and for making me laugh... for (an old goat,) you write some mighty fine poetry!

*hugs & love, Cat

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