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Once upon a time...
I stood before my one true love
And spat in his face
That heart-breaking cliche
..."It's over between us"...
Yet in that moment, he loved me.

Many turns back when I packed up my bags
And moved out of that Mansion he gave me
Acting out in ways worse than words
"I met someone else"...
All through it, he loved me.

Tracing back tears long past
Tears he shed when on that bed
He once laid in...deep in my heart
He found another,
with a face too familiar...
In all that pain, he loved me.

With the knowledge that there was another
Once his right-hand man, now a traitor
With hot burning coals now in the picture
And I, openly playing with fire
He wrung his hands in agony, yes he loved me.


Once upon a time, lust drew me away
Images of pleasure caused my heart to sway
Was almost real, watching from a distance
An almost pleasant lie...a mirage, in fact
Yet one thing among all stood true; he loved me

But then a spot in my soul could still remember
The rhythm our hearts composed back when they beat together
He knows my heart inside, out and under
Each drop of blood that runs red through my veins
In this life he gave me, his love solely reigns.

So in this moment I say never again
Leaving him only caused me too much pain
I can breathe while he's in his rightful place
Here in my heart, safely seated on his golden throne
I'd shout with joy that He has me...
He has me and my entire soul!!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 


this reminds a lot of some of the times in my life...nice to see it prose and not by me...thank you.


Tommi Cordial

Dawn breaks over marble head...

I'm happy you enjoyed reading. You very much welcome!

author comment

Don't normally like repeated phrases but it works in this.............stan

It worked!!

author comment

i like this and the story line. very well done. your a great writer!!

Thank you very much, dear.

author comment

Yay! A Ghanaian!

Ok. Clearly we have a love poem on our hands (screens?). After a first read, I somehow see this poem has got some religious significance. I'v seen a number of poems that play on a romantic theme to express religious sentiments.

On the whole, the story is quite touching (actually got me saying quite a few awws...), and the repetition of the phrase, I assume for emphasis, really gives life to the poem.

No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job. - TS Eliot

A very special love poem. Yeah, its religious and i'm glad you loved it. I was hoping the repetition wouldn't come off as 'too much' so i'm happy it works here.

author comment

A complete story, nicely told,
shiver and shining
we pass through it

Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

For reading and commenting!

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