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I cannot believe, this very dove
With which I once shared immense love
Is perched on my windowsill
Singing to me in a voice soft as silk
Years back, it made me smile and glow
Yet I knew deep down I’d one day let it go…
With my heart as tight and hard as my fist
I stood by and watched it fade away like mist

So what is this music I hear this day?
Riding on the back of past times from, far, far away…
Filling my heart with such sweet melodies
Stuffing contagious laughter in my cheeks?

Seeing it here now leaves me in bliss
Oh Heaven knew, I’d someday have this
I have it now and I dare not clip its wings
Or the golden beak with which to me, it sings.

I’ll let it be as it was and has to be
A passing love-bird; it is okay with me
For I know if it spreads its wings and flies away now
It will find its way back to my windowsill again, somehow

My bird-friend, fly away up, up into heaven
I do not care; I cannot care after all that you’ve given
Just promise me again you’d someday appear
In this very spot to lighten my heart as you’ve done right here

So my dove, we do not, we cannot part with goodbyes
We say “till we meet again” in tears and with deep sighs
Sighs filled with the hope that such parting gives
And not the empty, broken sadness...
that a ‘goodbye’ leaves.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Beautiful, just one crit, second verse fourth line, Remove {the} so it reads, I stood by and watched it fade away like mist. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Roscoe, for your suggestion.

author comment

dear Amma towards a lovely bird . It shows a lot of sympthy and lovely feelings


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Thanks for stopping by.

author comment

I love the figurative speech in this. It made the poem sound romantic and fantastic!

You love it.

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