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I carried a heavy load
….of nothing

I traded my treasured gold
…for dung

I betrayed the hero
…of that ultimate love story

I climbed down the tallest tree
…and burrowed down black soil

I possessed those idols
…with all their vegetable nature

As the deadliest kind of poverty
…gnawed away at my soul

And after I set the table for dinner…

I sat to a meal of rotten flesh
…and drank of the most poisonous venom

I feasted with smiles…smiles that never reached my eyes.

Memories of that bloodshed
Was locked up in that tiny chest
Tucked away underneath tons
Of nothings, some nothings and more nothings!

I went to blackout
…a vast abyss of pitch black darkness
No light…nothing bright
No remnants of rainbows
No flowers…no colours!!

Then morning arrived
…after years of night
…with a lone bird

In my ears, it whispered a name…a synonym of love
Every single syllable settled on my spirit
…tenderly…beautifully….as gold-dust
The rosebud bloomed
Emanating warmth
Blessed heat that…
Thawed my frozen heart
Burned down my carnal wall
And set my gods ablaze!!!

Truth…became known to me
That the things most important to man
…are the things engraved in that love-name
…the things embalmed with that warmth

Now my lips itch to sing a new song
Of the name that snatched me out from Sheol

Join me if you wish…let’s celebrate freedom
Sing with me if you can…let’s praise the victor
Along with the cherubs that descend to blend
Their angelic voices with the tarnished ones of

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


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