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Can you SEE the demons in my head
Driving me crazy...
Leading me to the very places I dread?

Can you HEAR their whispered threats
Draining me dry...
Dragging me to life's roughest edge?

Can you FEEL their heated breaths
At the back of my neck...
As it laves eerily through my hair?

Can you SMELL their gory, bloody bodies
Doused in darkness...
Hovering over my flower garden like bees?

Can you almost reach out and TOUCH
Their lethal shadows...
As they patrol; doing the night watch?

All my senses stay up drinking coffee!
Sleep cannot come now...sleep, do not come
They keep waiting for me there, I can see
So do not lead me to them, OH SLEEP!
Please, do not come!!

Editing stage: 


Oh wow you seem to be in the Images workshop here Amma,
wonderful use of each imagery we treated.
Not sure that sleep was one, a sense, but why not for a poet!

I shall perhaps come back as I liked this one, well done.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

I'm glad you like it.

author comment
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