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Faintly falling feet

Faintly falling
feet strictly
from street
to street .
wandering while
persistently pondering
past the
people they meet.

Last few words: 
No I don’t know about you people interpret anything any which way , and as a creator you always have to accept that ? I might be talking nonsense right know that just because right my head head , is in pain right now, and I’m just trying keep focus . anyway I’m sorry for the long long pause or absence . It’s just a lot of stuff has happened to me lately and my health has not been doing to good.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I hope you're feeling better soon. One word, [passed] should be [past]. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Hello, Edward,
This is dream-like and actually has a wonderful rhyme pattern to it when read aloud. Thanks for sharing your unique gift. I hope your pain subsides. Take care.
Much love,

Well I was inspired by a review of the graduate . First and foremost I see this poem as when I wrote it is about growing up . for when you’re growing up your drifting aimlessly from one moment to the next. Always at the beginning thinking about the future so much you forget what is actually in front of you.

Hlm life without literature is a life without logic.

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