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If I could give something of mine away
I would not hesitate to take
My brain out…wrap it up in soft gauze
Pack it up in an old brown box
And in red ink…in block letters…
Scribble ‘FRAGILE’ on all six faces

If I could ask a favour from the most high
I’d say this prayer with a sigh;
‘O Lord, as a gift I need your mercy
I need you to take away my memory
Take the anger…take the bitterness
They leave me tired...they leave me stressed

Tonight it's just gray thoughts
Tears memories of that smell brought
A familiar pain that seems to seep through me
And leaves me numb
So as a bonus, please take away this sense as well
This vengeful sense of smell!

What my eyes have seen…my hands touched
What my ears have heard…my body felt
Where my feet have led me, and my knees crouched
Have all been elements…pieces of the jig-saw
Undo them…undo them ALL
And throw them out
If it means paralysis,
I’d rather have that

This slideshow...this slideshow keeps running
I can’t find the stop button
I’m chilled to the bones…my blood is freezing
Fear keeps me up fighting...
Screaming out to whoever cares to listen;

“What you keep doing to me is so not fair
I can't keep reliving this nightmare
You have to understand
That it’s time…understand!'s time to be set free
So help me…
Help me lose my memory!!!”

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


For your suggestion...i'm going to revisit this and see how best i can make changes.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. You can PM me any further suggestions, that will be really helpful!

author comment

Very effective in conveying the desire to lose the bad memories that we all have.Title is GREAT............stan

Stan, thanks for passing through. Glad you enjoyed.

author comment
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