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Olivia lived in a cave and had little
But she tried cos she had hope - determined
She thought and she craved, of the day to be saved
She may not have had much but she was desperate
She searched all over, for wood for a fire
It came to fruition, and then it transpired
That the fire she had made, in her damp and dark cave
Gave her light, a passage to freedom less dire
She could find her way out, after much effort
When she got out she found a boat, and then paddled
She was longing for home, hated being alone
She was ever so homesick and seasick
This girl kept her thoughts to herself
So, she suffered in pain, and in silence
After long days with the rain and the waves
She got back, and met with her mother
Her mother was shocked, but ever so happy
She embraced and continued to hug her

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


this is an interesting tale of adventure, hope and satisfaction!

*hugs, Cat

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