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The blindfolded finder

The silent self
driven drifter
dragging his
folded enfeebled
feet . Steadily
staggering stumbling
towards the
tiring turning
tides of time
and its tragically
trampled trail
of troubles .
With a bluntly
band eternally
tied across
his abnormal
brow . His
arms outstretched
wistfully wandering
through his
unmarked world
of open air .

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


visualy it is a treat, and the metaphorical ideas embedded in the narative is on point. and the seaarch for knowledge, being, belief has always been a deepest desire. I like the protaginist, and I love his "unmarked world".



The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

Roll on!
Hope you're feeling better,

Neopoet Administrative Council

Why do I write about drifters because I relate to it currently because with my head pain it makes my mind start drifting and spinning.
Now what was my reason of writing this? It tells you that when your stuck in situations not lying within your clutches of control . The best thing to do to do is to accept it and blindly move ahead .

Hlm life without literature is a life without logic.

author comment

Hello, Edward,
Of course, your alliteration is still amazing. But your language and words are so inspiring and wise. I always come away understanding the world and myself a bit better after reading your work.
Thank you!

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