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Another One for Obi (getting mature themed)

She was formed in the darkness
behind a closed door
She was tempting, delicious
my buttery whore
She imprisoned my jealousy
and garments I craved
And the drink that transformed me
considered depraved
She molested long stockings
I wore when I shaved
and bikini-like skivvies and hot lingerie
(I like dancing about with my smalls hanging out)
When I get home from Obi's
I'll look for her there
She's my confidant mistress
ma muse du repaire!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Last few words: 
Just my poetic imagination at work, Inspired by the contest, but not for the contest. Have at it, Obi! Cheers!
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Oh, isn't it wonderful how humour transcends borders.
thanks fer the wrinkle 'neath the eye
and the chuckle in the throat. Thomas.
There are, and have been,
quite a few kindred souls here at N/P
that I would love to sit down with and have a beer,
be they a they, a them, a he or she and all that bollocks.

You caught me of guard with an image of you prancing about with yer tackle out!

And The Muse is a beguiling creature, mine has always been partial to a slap n tickle !!

A Fakesqueerian sonnet fer Thomas.

Bless all the barmaids that have ever lived
who carried featherlite and knobbly ribbed,
who listened to waffle and crap I spoke
who granted liddle me, a slap n poke,

Who parted flaps whilst in drunken stooper
and gave the bird, to the party pooper!
the big ones, the small ones, the fat n thin
god bless slappers, that invited me in,

Bejeezus Begorra, Mag da Horra,
bless all barmaids, I'll shag on the morra!
big tits big ass, n the ones that pass gas
god bless the ones that I’ve yet to harass,

for whisky- for beer- god bless ya m’dear,

even big Sally; fer the gonorrhea!!

Obi.... Or, Sillyman Fakesqueer .

...that's a bawdy diddie in Jake time, Obi. You never cease to surprise me with your speedy retorts. Maybe one day if I get around to your neighbourhood, we can have a meet over a beer, seein' as you have little pride over who you associate with. Cheers!


. like my lost dreams...the flood

author comment

she's a technicoloured melodrama
fringed in pink
a loony tune character
penned in indian ink,

She's positive, she's poignant
blessed with perfect poise
my snake wrangling lady- -
she's one o' the boys.

She's a synaptical sexy siren
and rather refined
a whoreatical kinda woman
that fucks with my mind,

She's passionate and pendulous
immersed in deep thought
She's my minds Mary monster--

my cerebral - consort,

...retort and lightning fast! I'm reading this one as one for the current contest " falling for my therapist" . I got nothing to volley back this time, but watch out in the future!
Cheers Obi!


. like my lost dreams...the flood

author comment

OMG will you two get a room, pleeease!

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

How I love to serve premium scotch
while I'm wearing a thong on my crotch
Yes, revealing's my dream
(although most people scream)
But it seems Ruby Lord likes to watch!

Cheers, Ruby!

. like my lost dreams...the flood

author comment

Aloe vera, for itchy stubble :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

I use aloe vera for itches
and chafing from servicing bitches
relieves minor troubles
of rashes from stubble
and doubles as lube in the ditches

. like my lost dreams...the flood

author comment

OMG, still at it? Ha ha. :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

...that one is borderline jingle quality. I surprised myself!

Cheers, Ruby!


. like my lost dreams...the flood

author comment

Anytime Thomas, but please don't encourage me to comment on your dirty ditties, I am easily distracted. Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

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