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Editing - draft

Waking Up...

Good morning world
I want to lie here and enjoy
the delicious feeling of warmth
The sight of the room lit up with the sun

My T.V. set to the news, brings me a story
The tale of a woman and dog rescued from drowning
People rescued the scared, biting dog, at risk to themselves
I'm sure that she is grateful

It is sad that she is homeless
Not that her best friend is a dog
Will those people walk away from the pair
Wondering what it is like to be homeless?



The way the moon gives way,
So, the sun can shine.
It was you, right down
The line.


The waves constant on the shore line,
The ebb and flow push back.
It is not something you can,
Throw off track.


The way winter warms
For spring.
Love should be WOW!
Quite the thing.


Dreams and wishes that
Come true.
Love never changes its
Point of view.


Saving Lies...

Bigger than you wanted
The lies you told take life
You ever will be haunted
Threatened by their knife

Slashed by the keen edge of fact
Your ego takes hurtful blows
Everyone knows it's an act
Yes, everyone surely knows

I can forgive a simple mistake
Tell me the truth and I shall cry
But lies, I just can't ever take
Don't let our romance die

Tell me how much you love me
Why do you always lie and lie?
The truth will set you free
Honesty just won't die


Where once she viewed her colourful world through vivid chestnut eyes
She now views her colourless life through lifeless faded eyes of brown
Listening to the world pass her by from outside the window
The door locked and bolted shut to keep out the fear
But fear and dread has already penetrated deep inside
A once eager heart is slowly eaten by a hidden foe
This enemy is not visible but lurks underneath and festers
She is not sure who she is anymore; identity long gone
Purpose depleted; reality exits only within her four closing walls


When a great leader’s falsehood is revealed
In foulness of war against innocence, pursued
as nothing but pure murder,

The summit he once climbed to stand upon
becomes a people’s hope polluted,
when a great leader’s falsehood is revealed;

and the hope that soared after empire had gone
crawled back into a poisonous destruction, reviled
as nothing but pure murder

by hopelessness and agony inexorably drawn
by once-revered soul warped by innocence destroyed
when a great leader’s falsehood is revealed;

Symphony For The Devil...

Steel flies from his fingertips
it slashes page after page
Nowhere can he find some rest
and he pours forth his rage

His interest in the valued things
declines, as he fails yet again
He blames the world for his stagnation
he lashes out in pain

Look inside your petty heart
revenge is not so sweet
when visited on the ones you love
and you find you have clay feet

Let fury and all the wasted time
fall by the road of sorrow
Find it in your torn open heart
to be healed, in the promise of tomorrow


I stand upon the verge overlooking the sea
I have not come here for the view
I have come for the rain to wash away all that haunts me
To take me to another place where I can be free

I stand on the precipice watching the waves
I have not come here for the scene
I have come for the rain to cleanse all that torments me
Float me to another land where I can breathe

Rainstorm fall down into my face
Drench me with your drops of purity
Crystal tears cover me
Let me see with clarity

Watcher... (by: eddy styx)

by: eddy styx

awakening in her attic
having spent the night up there,
watching her perform ablutions
in the light of a lantern's glare.

then she picked up the brush
to apply to her long crimson hair.
'twas then that I knew she alone
would for now and always, be my lady fair.

her alabaster skin, pale as moon glow,
begged for tenderness and kissing.
long slender arms and legs and
her body, not for the missing


You kicked dust in my face when I was already beat
I forced my way to the top
then you let go and let me drop

You spat blood in my face when I was already down
I pushed myself to the top
then you let go and made me drop

On my broken hands and bloodied knees
I return to you like a persistent disease
With bloodied fingers and a broken wrist
I send you a gift from my hate filled fist

You kicked mud at my face when I was already beat
I worked my way to the sky
then you let go and let me slide

Marking Time part #2

Marking Time part #2

his grandmother had passed
he inherited the house
three floors and a *ghost
not quite quiet as a mouse.

he rented a couple of rooms out
two good friends in school
Terry and Charlie by name
neither of them fools

she was an enigma
or so he said,
this he learned from
long conversations in bed.

his book referral was "Lolita"
he felt a kinship to Humbert's plight,
an emotional roller coaster
when she was not in his sight.


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