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Editing - draft



Sophia sees the ceilings gone, walls are down
she sees and hears mad fire works in the sky
five minute intervals timed
to a uterine beat

Voice Mail From The Grave (contest) #14

it is 3 a.m.
I am fully aware.
I lay for a few minutes
in my cozy bed...
my eyes wide open
my mind fully awakened!
I hear the wind
rustling through the trees
leaves sounding like old bones.
bellow the wind,
I think I hear a voice
a disembodied voice
faintly calling my name...
I listen more intensely,
to pierce the delicate veil
between death and life.
straining my ears to hear...
ah, there it is again
your beautiful voice
coming closer,

Shined On Me...

I read on and on
thinking of greatness
wondering if I will ever
attain such heights
seems impossible

she waits patiently
having no clue
steady as she goes
wondering too

making time
isn't so hard
it's the time off
wandering and playing
fooling around
whilst enjoying it all

her lips like pale suckers
draining the creativity
but keeping me saner
than I want to be
I love the suction
and the worry hurry



Remember Last Night...

Remember last night
Your heart beating next to mine
Yes, remember last night
When we were feeling so fine

You were in my arms
didn't want to let you go
I held you close, so tight
feeling the want begin to grow

Swaying and sweating hands
holding to that smokey song
Never thinking of tomorrow
Not caring it was wrong

Breath full of dizzy whiskey
Caressing fingers down your spine
I couldn't stand up but couldn't fall down
I hung on last night, when you were mine

follow me pt# 2 by: eddy styx

follow me pt#2 as requested by: Geezer

Morning Aroma

I wake up hungover
on the side of a mountain
on life
every moment is condensed into scent
elk dung from yards away
in sweet sun baked bready grass
the waft of ash
from the fire burned in fear
of the smell of elk sweat and blood
painting the night
the smoke and peace of light it gave
the stars smelled of security

Reality Unacknowledged...

As the world looks on through horrified, tear-filled eyes
the stench of inhumanity and the reality
of death and destruction, fills our T.V. screens
Lies of hearts and goals of monsters take precedence

My ears stuffed full of indignation at humanity's deafness
I am threatened with overwhelming sadness at the callousness
and the distance from happiness and democracy here in my life
Does anyone smell the stench of decay, the odor of horror
and bodies lying in the streets?

Morning Aroma... Random Challenge #14

The smell of coffee perking
hear the gurgle sound
Reminds me of the glorious days
when you were still around

I could lie in bed
hear your footfalls soft
hear your tread upon the stair
as you climbed back to the loft

Making love with you
inhaling your sweet perfume
The musky smell of you
filling up the room

The aroma of the pine trees
Smelling sweet and clean
Your head upon my shoulder
My legs with yours between

The Blues in My Ear...

That raspy, sexy voice
You pour the music in my ear
My heart is skipping beats
I feel your soul so near

While I'm listening to the music
I hear your lonesome song
When you're kissing my troubled mind
You can do no wrong

No matter how far away
And I've traveled far
I will follow you, find you
No matter where you are

We'll sing those blues together
Burn the candle at both ends
Making the house come down
We are lovers, not just friends


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