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Editing - draft


Lanky cat and mean Old Tom
sit on the steps together
Old Tom's the boss of course
Mr. Lanky says whatever

Swagger down the dusty path
the two are hip to hip
Lying in the sun at last
from the others take no lip

Black as coal they both are
Tom touched white here and there
Lanky's old but still quite fit
got a few grey hairs

Through half lidded eyes they see
Yellow Tiger's feeling cranky
He swats his pals, cuffs them
But not Old Tom or Lanky

Old Adam (Diabolic) by: eddy styx

Old Adam

Losing his insidious grip
how it did sweat and slip,
from his greedy clawing grasp
this slithering horned asp,
as he stung her innocent breast,
loathsome creature possessed...
of minor demon from the pits of hell
banish thy presence bid thee farewell!
Vile scourge upon this earth
ever despised since his moment of birth.
He is naught but a rancid repugnant disease
cowardly pestilence begging mercy on his knees,
this poisonous defiler and bane,
this... LOSER profane!

Stalker's End...

She sang real low and slow
all the blue and dangerous tunes
He studied the stars again
threw dust at the bloody moon

His eyes were wild and crazy
his forehead drenched in sweat
She had him tied in knots
as insane as you can get

She left the bar past midnight
he was about spring
Then he heard a dangerous growl
He felt a wicked sting

He turned to see a vampire dog
black with huge red eyes
A big man stood there with him
between him and his prize

Song of Desire...

She holds the mike up close
pearls loose around her neck
the dress she wears is clinging
His heart races on unchecked

The sound of her entrancing voice
plays loudly in his ears
And from the shallow shadows
He sees her lonely tears

Tonight, is the bloody moon
it must be red and stained
The season of his madness
can no longer be contained

There are two other pairs of eyes
that watch, and take it in
The man and dog with chilling orbs
contemplate their sin

Siren Song...

Music drifting from the doorway
she sings it soft and low
inhales another hit of smoke
releases it real slow

She sings it like a siren
calling for a lover
to the darkness and the shadows
where an evil presence hovers

Watching, ever silent
seeing every breath
her bosom heaving gently
and Evil plots her death

She flicks the cigarette
with a motion of her wrist
sending crimson sparks a flying
into the shadows' midst


And so I turn to the weary face in the fractured mirror
Is this who and what I have finally become
Am I a God of the rights and the wrongs that I have done

Does light lead my way or blind my winding path
Is every careful step forward, just two steps back
I contemplate the errors I have made that I can never retract

The solemn face in the mirror no longer bears a smile
Emotion falls through my trembling fingers like grains of sand
I have given up any hope of ever finding my promised land

We are all Hungry

Life moves along
With a zero between glow
Like layers of a dream
Sandwiched between
Your fresh baked dread
A slice of make believe
And a tattered memory
The recipe passed down
One cup of imagined outcomes
A dash of hope
Variety is the spice of strife
What’s your flavor?
In deep hunger
We get lost
As it gnaws on the mind
So the thoughts slip out
You talk
To yourself
No soul goes
without craving
A bite of genuine gold
I prefer turquoise

Blood Moon Ways (by: eddy styx)

Blood Moon Ways
by:eddy styx

Rainy Nights Forever...

Blues drifted from the open door
down the alley in the rain
Inside that darkened barroom
souls were lost and filled with pain

Footsteps staggered from a heartbreak
down the busted stair
Not looking where he's going
toward the whiskey smelling air

Darkness muted the piano, the guitar picked
please forgive me
Lives went down the tubes, voices whispered
to be free

Through the bottom of a glass
he looked across the room
She sang straight to his heart
he fell helpless to his doom


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