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The Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair

This chair is like my life
Goes up and down, but survives
On the porch at my home, with people, or alone
I spend many lazy days here, watching passers-by
In this Texan, sun-soaked town
The chair’s my throne, but I have no crown
But I have much love for what’s around
A sleepy place, to which I’m bound
The sights I see, are just like me
Where money is scarce but nothing is free
So, I take what I get, and never forget
That being poor on this porch leaves me no regrets
Because I’d rather be poor, near my front door
Than rich in a city where depth is deplored
There’s a saying round here, that when an eagle flies
He has further to fall, so the eagle dies
But I have nothing to lose, so at peace I can snooze
On my chair that rocks, over wealth this I’d choose

Last few words: 
Just wanted to write one about the deep south culture in America where they sit on porches on chairs. Don't know if those chairs have a name but just thought rocking chair can't be too far off... Instead of resenting the wealthy, busy city-dwelling types with their money, they are grateful for what they have. Not from America so maybe they can still be rich! but for poem's sake, pretend they are not. at least compared to stock brokers anyway
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Always wished for these rocking chairs , but never had one. Maybe one day :)
Much pleasure and appreciation.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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of rocking, when I am in pain. I used to have a rocking-chair or rather my wife had one, my mother had one. I used to use them to ease the pain; somehow the pain diminishes to a point it is tolerable. Anyway, off the point: I understand about the rocking, mentally it is a source of peace for many. A quiet, soothing comfortable way to observe life as if from a distance.
Who needs the frazzled life of the city and all the tension, when you have a rocking-chair on your front porch, and you can sit and watch the world go by? Nice tribute to the front-porch rockers. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Hello, Michael,
Peace of mind and simplicity are everything! Lovely poem.
Thank you,

You seem wealthy where it counts.


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