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I must be brave
When tomorrow comes
For the mother of my grandmother's mother
Was in my place once
I cannot doubt...
I dare not run...
I must not cry...
When tomorrow comes

Three moons ago,
I was on the other side
I watched as
Proud blossoming buds stood in line
Their tears of joy were mingled with silent fears
"Customs do not die"


I must not tremble when tomorrow comes

After tonight,
This mirror resting between my thighs
Will no longer tell me
This blissful, blissful lie
That i look upon

Then, i'll be a woman...
I'd sit with the others...and their scars

I must be prepared!

I must be prepared when tomorrow comes

My mother, grandmother and those before;
Did you hide in your rooms and dream?
Those sharp dark blades...
Old wrinkled hands...
Following a familiar pattern...?
A Passage of Rite!

Did you think of the pain?

Oh I must forget this nightmare...
When tomorrow comes

So when the cock crows,
I'll be first in line
I will adorn my waist
With the best of beads
Rub scented Shea butter all over me

I'll hold my head high

And as i lay down...
My legs spread apart...
My heart will be full of joy...
And my eyes, dry
I'd bless those old wrinkled hands
That will hold on to those blades
Those hands
That will blot my initiation blood

I will not scream...I will not fight

I will go through it as you all have

But for now just let me...
Let me...
Look in this mirror one last time
For after tomorrow
This beauty I see
Will only be a scar!

My beauty will be nothing
But a scar....

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Last few words: 
Female Genital mutilation is not common in Ghana but it still happens in other parts of Africa... One woman story i heard inspired me to write this.
Editing stage: 


i am speechless
what can i say?
i can't crit this
either there is nothing to crit, or the poem is so powerful i don't see any problems...

so well done... it really made me think about this horror (not that i haven't before, but with a detached attitude i suppose)
this brought home to me the subjective side to it
wonderful, especially effective the repeated 'when tomorrow comes'

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

So mad when I hear real stories from women like myself.

Thank you for reading!

author comment

I have to say I need to go to porch to contemplate on this one. It is morning here and coffee in hand. I will be back. I had a tear in my eye as I read this. I shall be back

Ms Mona

Hello again. I am back. I suppose this is cultural and the thought of it made me cringe inside. How a woman has to go through this to be accepted? Am I right? I can hardly think of the terror it brings to womanhood. You wrote this quite well and spellbounding. I want to research this to see exactly why this is so. Blessings to you and nice to meet you here.

A good writer you are

Ms Mona

The women are circumcised basically in order so they do not become promiscuous. i would leave you to do the research and see for yourself how dehumanizing it is!
Thanks for reading!

author comment

It is very dehumanizing and my hearts go out to the woman who have and had gone through this procedure. Chilling.

You write about an abomination... it is a horror and to think this is still done in different parts of the world makes me cry angry hot tears. You have told the story very well. It is a good poem. Great title. This part captured my heart:

I must be brave
When tomorrow comes
For the mother of my grandmother's mother
Was in my place once
I cannot doubt...
I dare not run...
I must not cry...
When tomorrow comes


But for now just let me...
Let me...
Look in this mirror one last time
For after tomorrow
This beauty I see
Will only be a scar!

My beauty will be nothing
But a scar....

always, Cat

I am voting for this poem

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I cry angry tears myself! Good choice of ABOMINATION!

author comment

First off let me applaud you for your content,
poems like this one need to be written !

I do think the forward and the afterward were not needed,
and the title ... why the most prominent line from the poem,
I think I would remove the forward and title this one
" Genitalia ? " ... merely suggestions.

For your suggestions.

I'm going to take out the intro., i think you're right.

author comment

Poets have the right, the necessity to try and right wrongs, raise awareness, start arguments and teach. You do all that.

Like Richard I felt the introductory paragraph was un-necessary, your poem says it all.

Bravo for your courage and poetic skills.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

A compliment from weirdelf is a big thing!

No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job. - TS Eliot

i'm going to take out the intro

i'm happy you liked my poem!

author comment

I love Weird elf

coz he always calls a spade,
a spade
that he accuses me of ignorance of poetry
in itself is a great praise
to him in salutations I my hand raise ..

that tomorrow never comes
we all know
as it becomes a today
but your poem is sadly lovely
that i will surely say ..



author comment

As a man I can't even fathom this, and as an american it scares me to think what other things go on in this supposely civilize world of mine. your poem is earth shattering to me for people who complain of the miner things like not having the elevator in their building working. You are a poet! The emotions you convey are as real as night and day. Bravisima!



I read somewhere that, cutting off a woman's clitoris is not the same as male circumcision...but rather it is equivalent to cutting off the entire penis!! So you can imagine.

Some go all the way to cut of the clitoris plus the labia and sew it up! (forgive me for my unpleasant details)!

Thanks for reading!

author comment

Thanks for reading this!

author comment

A write on a subject that so many have avoided, as they feel it is too horrendous to even contemplate. What can I say other than it should never happen to anyone as I sit here at my comp in this Western room.
It is a thing I cannot change no matter what I do or whoever in our safe part of our world writes about.
Thank you for this write, there are many things in this world that need stopping, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Thanks for reading! I wish i could make more drastic changes too myself but this is the little i can do.

author comment

The other day on the Anniversary of the Titanic disaster people were tweeting on the web that they thought it was only a Film, this showed us just how bad things are in this day and age where we have a system www which is loaded with many people that know very little about anything.
My heart goes out to your people and many others where these practices are still part of life. Yours, Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

And as i lay down...
My legs spread apart...
My heart will be full of joy...
And my eyes, dry
I'd bless those old wrinkled hands
That will hold on to those blades
Those hands
That will blot my initiation blood

you are about the boldest writer here
Don’t upon yourself ever look down,
Man has been a chauvinist
Since ages without a Y sperm
Couldn’t produce a son
But cursed the gals mom
Then he indulged in incest too,
What of man are you talking of?
Women have to lie legs apart
While the idiots enter in like a dart
Then swoosh….
They deface a beautiful face like yours
As you say
This is,
Will be
The damned world as always
So even if you are at the helm,
You will have to still say


Thanks again!

author comment

Now I have time for a proper comment.

After first reading the intro, I skipped to the comments to make sure it was good. The issue of FGM (now gladly gone) is one that still makes me very uncomfortable. I cannot sit through a hearing without grimacing or having to excuse myself.

I believe it's a very painful thing some women are forced to go through, and I'm glad activists have changed that.

Your poem uses rhyme sparsely and effectively to convey the emotions, and, I'll admit, I had to pause several times to take it in.

That you used poetry to tackle a sensitive issue is very brave. Great verse.

No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job. - TS Eliot

I wish i could tell you it is 'now gladly gone'. it is not gone. maybe in Ghana, it is very very minimal but in other parts of Africa, it is still prevalent...a major part of some cultures. Try doing a lil research on it and see for yourself.
Thanks for your comments.

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