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The Hourglass

Thoughts go a swirling
They’re funneling down
Approaching the vortex
Around and around

Falling through the aperture
Join the other grains
A multitude of other thoughts
The pleasures and the pains

More still fall upon me
I’m crushed beneath the weight
Then someone flipped the hour glass
Before it was too late


Pack animals
pick their patriarch
from those that show empathy
for the offspring of others
This hierarchy of dominance
is not based in force
A cadre of cohorts
fill my lungs and
file the ranks
Anarchy our ancestry
Legion our numbers
Alpha our analog
Reflecting strength
in the eyes of even
the weakest here

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

A Game You Won't Win

You think you've broke me,
I got news for you i won't crack
You think i'm at my weakest,
You haven't seen nothing yet
I'm so tired of all of your games
One day you've disappeared,
The next you're reclaiming your fame
You were the one person that was there,
Gone in a blink of an eye,
Its obvious you had little to no care
So please just leave me be,
Let me set these broken pieces of eternity free
Please stop saying what you think I want to hear,

Nothing Left To Give

Depleted, wary
Drained of all my senses
For a moment, I was alive
But succumbed to numbness

Try as I might
There is nothing left to give
Drowning in memories
Choking on my tears


Favorite Wintry Memory (Dec. Monthly Challenge)

Come see life buds as tucked in bed
as soon as winter showed its head,
but I, with my younger siblings
wake to take up what winter brings.

Generous clouds, those full of rain
soon have washed the seasonal pain,
the snow flakes fall, the snowman sings,
"wake to take up what winter brings."

And when the sky is almost clear,
there shall be more to smell and hear;
the rainbow's hanging with no wings,
wake to take up what winter brings.

Big Hands...

I don't know how I got there
on the front porch stairs
trembling, scared and crying
mother's fingers in my hair

What's the matter honey?
Is what she said to me
"I had a terrible dream
I just had to get free

My hands grew way too big
I was stuck there in my room
I squeezed out and ran
It felt just like a tomb"

"Daddy's leg was clicking
I heard noises in the hall
I thought that I could push him down
Maybe make him fall

title-less (language)

To raze that I built.
Scraped up lives in my fingernails.
So many germs that live there.
Lived there....purposelessly.

Obvious, intently, Intrinsic
with calculated boredom that fucks empathy.
Over and over.
Dried up empathy, bone in
shredding the walls
I once stood by in my youth.

She smelled of dry blood.
Tasted of dead fertility.
She was all to me.


Another year
is about to sum up
in its own imitable way

each human as an entity
has his/her own part to play

I can only wish ye all
my work

The itch lies with them
of course not me

I have never ever
with anyone fought
Only happiness from heaven
as an ANGEL

Guiding Light

Light the way with care
My lantern in the bleak
To live with you another day
Is all that I shall seek

The stairs are steep and winding
No matter up or down
Your spirit is my candle
So I may see uneven ground

Climbing spiral in the dark
Fumbling ascent
Christen me with falling tears
Produced from efforts spent

Thoughts pervade my day as well
Taunt me as they must
You’re there to shelter me from rain
So that I will not rust


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.