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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



With the new year swift in its approach
I hold each moment especially close
Entice myself again to broach
Discussions of demons and ghosts

Oblige these haunts another year
Weightless vapors weigh you down
Keep you kited to their whims
You’ll no longer touch the ground

Pulled about, dragged to and fro
Always tension on the chains
Undo the clasp and let them go
Never to be seen again

Honor Of A Dog

At two years of my age we had two hunting dogs; Pepper and Pete.
They were "Irish Settlers" a lovely rust color and I loved
lounging on the floor with them in the winter months, before the
fire. I don't remember, but I was told this was so. Age four, we
had a "Lab Or Door Receiver" hearsay has it, he would not let me
out of the front yard. He would push me back into bounds with his
soft nose in my back.

The Ultimate End......edit.....

Eighty three years lapsed
moved along side the rivers
finally may be

at times we swam
many times sat along the banks
then pulled out our verbal swords.... ....

man come out
let's sort all out..
some vanish
many banish
then comes the finality
all have left you bereft

but now all alone
like in a cradle helpless
Solve all these strives
once alive


Water boatmen;
sowing rings of light
on blue mirrors.

What A Mortal Being Am I

Oh, what a mortal being am I

I am just waiting around to die

It seems to get closer every day

Each day a part of me falls away

I do not face death at all eager

However, I do not fear death either

Just passing on by a natural state

Whether it comes early or late

Tripping through life, you will fall

All the time listening for deaths call

I will soon be covered by earth's dirt

Asleep to all of my sorrow and hurt

Blinky Deserts the Gang.

The Cretor Spirits rumbled across the skies.
A dark storm formed on the Western Plains of New South Wales,
Flew past Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow - lifting tin roofs and tiles as
It did its destructive best to upset the well-laid plans of
Miners, Pastoralists and Sarsparali.
Up the Megalong Valley and descended
On Blackheath, the Hydro Majestic and Katoomba.

Thinking About Thinking Leads to Drinking

I think so much, and I think that’s why
My eyes, see my demise
Because to think like this, leads to drink, and this
Is to suffer, it’s no surprise
Cos when you think the thoughts that are deep
Is to climb a hill that is steep.
When you think like I, others ask
Why not think less, to lessen your stress?
But think about that question, it’s a problem that I delve in
It all comes down to this:
People say, it’s mind over matter
But the thoughts are not taught, it’s an internal chatter

Dream stars

Dream stars
I forgot with the morning breeze
in a dream window
in one decorated with sapphires
and emerald flowers sky

Somewhere far in the river
people like birds
hid in the shadows, alone

The first rays engulfed with fire
Our names in
trunks of large trees
at the first of farewell time

Dream stars dimmed by light
in the depths of infinity they are lost sweet
soul roses golden


The First Redhead pt 4 by: eddy styx

God(ess) blocked their way back up the path, as Adam and Eve tried to retreat to
Eden. "NO! this is no longer your home. you must go out into the world That I will
create NOW," She said as She slammed her staff tip down! being still pissed off at
Eve for her audacity to touch the forbidden fruit of the Tree Of Life! "Now you will
have children and they will age you. For NOW you are vulnerable to many ailings and
burdens of Man!"
Eve, for the first time, shed tears of abandonment. Adam did not even blink. his mind

Unlike the ice cream, summer's hot
Hot enough to let the ice-creams melt
Melt out of heat, and you shall sweat
Sweat from heat like when ice-creams melt.

I like ice-creams, unlike summers
Summers that bring the awful pests
Pests in swarms that live on the cheeks
Cheeks that no one would like to kiss.

Summers bring colourful flowers
Flowers and colours that I love
Love that you and everyone seek
Seek the beauty when summers come.

I like flowers, I like summers
Summers, flowers and ice creams.


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