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Blinky Deserts the Gang.

The Cretor Spirits rumbled across the skies.
A dark storm formed on the Western Plains of New South Wales,
Flew past Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow - lifting tin roofs and tiles as
It did its destructive best to upset the well-laid plans of
Miners, Pastoralists and Sarsparali.
Up the Megalong Valley and descended
On Blackheath, the Hydro Majestic and Katoomba.

The chandeliers in the Paragon Cafe rattled, the lights flickered.
Blinky Bill’s gang sat morosely playing with their
Banana-split sundaes. “Why can’t Mr Gloop put worms on the menu?”
Complained Flap.

The Shifty Dingos, scratching at fleas,
Posed with studied nonchalance
On the footpath outside the ornate Art Deco façade
Of the Paragon Cafe.

“Where’s Blinky?” asked the usually affable Splodge in
Uncharacteristic whining tones.

“The ontological question for the day, my dear friends,”
Boomed Wombo, always eager to educate his young friends,
Is not “Where is Blinky?”, but “What is Blinky?”

“What, what, what the?” stammered Flap. “All
You can gibber about is silly questions when we’ve got the
Shifty Dingos waiting outside for us. Go
Back tp dreaming of Plato and his silly cave.”

Marcie muttered under her breath, “Silly old geezer, time we sent him off to an
Old People’s Home.”

Then, audibly, “We’re having an existential
Crisis and Blinky has deserted us. Where is he?”

Nutsy raised her voice. “That narcissistic chauvinist,
Well rid of him, I say.”

Mr Gloop reached down and
Placed a Tin of First Grade Vietnamese Spinach on
The polished counter. “Anyone for Popeye’s favourite,” asked Mr Gloop,
“You might need this in the near future,” nodding towards the Shifties.

The stained-glass doors at the front of the Paragon
Burst open.
A figure back-lit by lightning bolts posed,
Resembling the Statue of Liberty.

Nutsy cried, “It’s Meggsy!”

“It sure is,” chortled Meggsy, holding aloft an aerosol can. “I heard you had a bit of bovver
Down here at the Paragon with the Shifties. I nicked down to
Bunnings and bought a can of Doggo-go-go,
Quick-acting dog deterrent. One Lichtenstein PUFF of Doggo-go-go and they’re gone.
Works on Dingos too.”

For two days, Bliny held a dialectical conversation with himself.
He realised the toxicity of The Gang and the closeting nature of his
Bushland Home. At 5.00 a.m. he’d snuck aboard the Rattler from Katoomba
To Sydney avoiding the steely gaze of the train guard. In the early morning light, he roamed the streets of inner Sydney. He climbed the stairs of a Cathedral near Hyde Park. At the top of the steps, a figure clothed in black with a white collar leered at him,
“What can we do for you young man?” Blinky quickly reversed down the stairs continuing his quest for Infinite Grace.

In Surry Hills, this disconsolate, bedraggled pre-pubescent koala
Spied a sign: Madame Pettyfer’s Hostel
For Merchant Sailors, Soldiers-of-Fortune and Errant Marsupials.
7/6 per night – Full Board.

Blinkie knocked.

“Yairs?” said the homely figure of Madame Pettyfer as she opened
The door of her establishment.
“Can I have a bed for a couple of nights?” asked Blinky.
“Sure you can, dearie, come on in.”

Blinky scratched his nascent gonads and entered the
Welcoming warmth of Madame Pettyfer’s Hostel.
He wondered if the good Madame had
Banana-split sundaes on the dessert menu.

Entering the living room, Blinky felt as popular as a Pentescotal Preacher
In a Hooters Bar..

Six rather ramshackle old men with faces like walnuts,
peered at him. “Who noo broon coo,
What ‘ave we ‘ere?” blurted one through a beard like a possum’s nest.

Blinky drew himself to his full one- metre height,
put on his best larrikin smile, “I’m Blinky and I’m here for a
Couple of days – got a problem with that, Sport?”

The possum nested one slapped his thigh, “I like the cut of yer jib,
Young fella. Anyone as cheeky as you can stay as long as he likes.”

Blinky felt like an honoured customer in a New Car
Sales Room..

He was gearing up … for anything. And good riddance to the gang.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
Probably, most readers in the U.S. won't "get" much of this poem. Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian cartoon strip character. He and his "gang" are inseparable, full of innocence, optimism and good spirits. This is a satirical take on that comic strip. Blinky Bill was made into a full-length animated cartoon in 2015. Read more about the movie here:
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I got the gist of it rather quickly. I did get something from this, even if it wasn't intended. I get that sometimes; we feel that we need to break away from the "norm" and do the unexpected. I'll bet that Blinky is back home after a short vacation from
"The Gang". He will come home like a muse, full of stories to entertain and write about. I enjoyed this immensely. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I thought this was very witty and quite enjoyable. I read through it quite a few times to understand the flavor, lol. thanks for sharing it with us ;)

*hugs, Cat

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