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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ring New Year Bells

Ring New Year Bells!
Merrily peal
Let all the Earth
Nurture and heal

Waken the green
Buried and paved
Replenish soil
Marred and depraved

While new seeds push
Up through the ground
Respawn the trees
Toppled and downed

May oceans cool
Reefs thrive anew
Glaciers rebound
Sea life ensue

Vistas unfold
Vast open sky
Amid pure blue
Winged creatures fly

Quiet the storms
Soften their sound
Dull angry dins
Goodwill abound

Prayer of the Nemophile

I commit my heart to the trees
Amongst whose shade I walk
Glade is thick and darkening
Trail is long and forked

I know this forest, we are one
It calls me back to hold my heart
Lifting me from rank despair
Offering new starts

Pine and spruce reminding me
As do the stretching firs
Even through the winter’s cold
Greening life still stirs

Boughs in sun or laden thick
Lush beneath a heavy snow
Reminding me that burdens cold
Also make us grow

Music Made Me...

My mom playing the radio
dancing with the broom
singing of Old Black Magic
as she swept around the room

Blues on a hot summer day
at grandma's and auntie Kit's
The whir of a fan and slap of cards
her amber glass of Tiger Schmidt's

I learned I had a bass voice
Sweet Lips Closer to The Phone
I sang country, rock and roll
I had a Jim Reeves tone

I Couldn't Get No Satisfaction
so I tried most everything
I found my taste eclectic
but certain things I had to sing

Warmer side of Life

Why get out of bed
when she is with you

it's more than coffee
when she gives you warmth

it's like choco
more than toffee
but depends on
how you like it
sleeping with
mom sis
one who loves to


The Skeleton Key

The key to life, is to hedge your bets
To rely on one thing is foolish
It’s a skeleton key, it opens all doors
To success, and it’s very moreish
When you open the locks
The doors may then close
And you’ll be stuck, hard place and a rock
So, leave the door open
Heed my words that are spoken
The doors, are your many options
You have one key, don’t lose it
It’s your brain, be sure to use it
It seems to me, that to live takes grit
And a small fee from a locksmith
The shop is your mind

Haiku #6

A low sun watches
a poorly swept-up frost; hang its'
cobwebs out to dry.


When my spirit was shrouded in stygian gloom,
She came.
With eyes of fire she burned away the darkness.
I was fettered like an eagle in a cage,
She came.
Like a blast from the heavens and tore away my shackles.
I was free.
To soar,
To swoop,
To live again.


When my spirit was shrouded in stygian gloom,
She came.
With eyes of fire she burned away the darkness.
I was fettered like an eagle in a cage,
She came.
Like a blast from the heavens and tore away my shackles.
I was free.
To soar,
To swoop,
To live again.


A bottomless pit with no definite impact.
The constant edge you sit on not knowing your left from right,
or up from down.
Everything is still, just as you're used to.
You then notice that suddenly your skin starts to tingle,
sending a shiver so powerful, your soul shakes.
Air escapes your lungs and every breath you take is met with forks and knives.
You're drowning.
The bottomless pit had tricked you.
There was no edge to sit on,
as the inevitable was about to happen.


Inspiration from on high
Illuminating morning sky
Translucent clouds are nacreous
Spectral, quilted and tumescent

Conversing over love and life
Colors match the current mood
A voyeur to their heart-to-heart
Yet I never hear a clue


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.