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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I may appear all this strong,
Act up like nothing is wrong,
But I am wailing inside,
You can see it in my eyes.
I need not full rescue,
Just a little help from you,
I have the ladder and a plan,
Someone to push me,
So I can climb,
Is this really too much to ask.

A Ripping Good Tale

It was a visit from our mom that brought about one of those defining moments of my very young life. My older sister, Coral, and I were living with Grandma Anderson and our mysterious step-grandpa. He was an Engineer on the Milwaukee Road Line, out of Minneapolis. He worked nights and slept days so our playtime had to be very quiet.

Grandma Anderson was a housewife, excelling at the role, except, for the most part, she was a terrible cook. She had a blackberry cobbler that was fabulous, but it was her only saving grace and redeeming quality!


Images tied together with strings of hope
are but glimpses of the past renovated
to meet the demands of the future.

Minute pauses that bridge the gap of
reality with the unknown world of

Today’s dreams are merely fragmented
reflections of one ‘s innermost being
transmitted through nerve fibers and
projected onto individual screens.

The Psyche Is The Soul

Human's psyche is what we call soul.
It is the cause of its motion
And the seat of its sensations.
Nondetachable is its character.

Soul in atoms spreads through the organism
With its presence in the organs,
Tissues, cells, nucleus and molecules;
It has no life without body.

Responses to the stimuli,
Perceptions from the experience,
Thought formation and the power
Of imagination are soul's function.

Nothing You Can Do...

Mist of the night come hold me
foggy mudflat blues
Playing in the dark, my baby
makes me think of you

Eyes half-closed and body swayin'
notes slidin' on the strings
tinklin' keys of piano
makes me think of things

Awww, you know I'm crazy
out of my mind 'bout you
Look into my eyes, baby
Know there's nuthin' you can do

Shhhhip, shiip, tatt-a-tat
Twisted woman of mine
get yerself down and boogie
have another glass of wine


On the nature of happiness
I complain to fill the silence
That always falls between us

A secret optimist
When the outliers call for it
So why draw attention to it

Joy, a sleepless sleepover,
Conversations with depths
Remind me that I am in over my head

Saying love ad Infinitum
Till it loses all meaning
As if four-letter words could lead us to redemption

What I’m trying to say
Is I've tried and I've failed
To rhyme happiness with poetry


The moon is my company this evening.
By the nervous rays it transmits through my window, you are lit solemnly and with us also
In sleep and in consciousness I am by your side
The light falls and trickles down your face and onto the pillow

Placing my finger on your eyebrow, I move it
A little to the left, feeling the pressure of your skin upheave and settle
As I trace it through the coarse hairs, a chestnut brown
Two shades darker than your eye colour, now shielded from me by a quivering eyelid


I heard them
before I saw them -
the rich, rolling chatter
of perhaps two hundred
Sandhill Cranes
so high above my gaze,
I got lost along the way.

I imagine I will find myself,
drifting among the heavens,
following the instinct,
the intuition to know
when to stay and
when to simply fly.


Olivia lived in a cave and had little
But she tried cos she had hope - determined
She thought and she craved, of the day to be saved
She may not have had much but she was desperate
She searched all over, for wood for a fire
It came to fruition, and then it transpired
That the fire she had made, in her damp and dark cave
Gave her light, a passage to freedom less dire
She could find her way out, after much effort
When she got out she found a boat, and then paddled
She was longing for home, hated being alone


When the wind is you
when you see just through
when the sun is your blood
when the sea is your guard
when your heart sings of joy
when there is nothing to destroy


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.