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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Self Examination

We, like mushrooms of the
Field, develop strong fiber
With the light of dawn
Fortified by hopeful rays
Of the new day’s sun
Staunch enough to endure
The biting of teeth chewing
At its tender stem
Yet too fragile to bear
The weight of night’s awesome

Self Examination

We, like mushrooms of the
Field, develop strong fiber
With the light of dawn
Fortified by hopeful rays
Of the new day’s sun
Staunch enough to endure
The biting of teeth chewing
At its tender stem
Yet too fragile to bear
The weight of night’s awesome

A mother's intuition

Laying the plate on the wooden table
She sets up her routine for the morning
It has a distinctive scent of motherhood

The bread feels crisp under the first slicing of the blade
As the crusts fall apart from the softer tissue
And pile up alongside her left hand

She must make haste to fill the plastic portable stomach
And send it off, before it arrives as an empty carcass in the evening
Her fingers are nimble in their accuracy

My Freestyle

                              flow my 

Joys Of Living Daily

Should I Foolishly believe
I alone have been chosen
by powers unknown
to live on
till infinity meets eternity

when at that edge of time
my true life becomes sublime
then and then only
shall the
toll for me

all will know
none will ask

For whom
The bell tolls


stretching gray
 sheet sentinels
  of bush


a symphony of rain
  a brook Rachmaninoff’s
   the cliche of entropy


Pastels of light
 reach canopy
  painting nature
   With one luminous
    golden strand


 crawling nose
  scampers retreat,
   as alien scents
    reach downwind


 Stark flamingo serenade,
  into the pink


Timid Fascination (Wounded Heart)

I a skillful hunter
seek the shy reclusive doe.

Lying in wait that I may pierce her suddenly

with an arrow from Cupid's bow. 

Beneath the sheltering trees occasionally, I behold her reposing.
Gazing at her reflection in the watery sky.

Then I wonder
if it's for love of me that she's pining.

As her teardrops dapple the grateful roses which sigh.

The songbirds perch above with restless wings
living to serve only her.


This world will knock you off your feet
It will leave you feeling unimaginable defeat
In life, it isn't about how many comebacks we try
It's all about how many hits we can take and survive

It is time to go hard, push yourself to The extreme
When you're tempted to quit, just think of your dream
Life is hard, and more often than not it isn't right
That's why we have to put on our armour and Fight

Sleeping Trees

Do not awaken sleeping trees,
who nod with ease
in quiet dreams
beneath moon beams,

whose roots rest within frozen earth,
their warmth, their berth,
while winter sighs
sweet lullabies

they shall remain in slumber deep,
in peaceful sleep,
amid the glow
of winter snow

Reaching In

I've called so many times
Texted to see if you were there
You said anytime
And then disappeared

When I needed someone
To tell me my life mattered
When I was alone and afraid
You read the message and looked away

Like a puppet on the shelf
You've pulled the strings
Playing with me
To suit your own selfish needs

And every time I'd dance
For fear of losing
The one thing I thought I knew
My heart only bled for you


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