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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


After All ...A memorable moment in Time

After all the times passed by
today we gather at the River of life
to immerse our thoughts and visions
of our long time association

Rest in eternal peace
that's all we can wish
today as always

we shall you miss
may life where ever you be
prove to be bliss
Our Dearest
most loved one


All things great and small
This vast expanding universe
Unknowable molecular microcosms
Recede out of vision
Blurred beyond recognition
Likened to thunder with pounding rains
A sultry and welcomed side effect
Precipitated by your furious intimacy
Leaving us trembling like leaves
In the winds of torrential embrace

The Age of Innocence

This is the age of innocence
Where ignorance is bliss
These are the days, when in a sense
And at no expense, life just is.
No thoughts of the future
No regrets, and no shame
Can’t see the great big picture
Life is just a game
This is the age of innocence
These days won’t remain
Your mummy’s like a deity
You’re the moth and she’s the flame

Dropped stitches

I have loved boundlessly
and thought left empty

yet in the moments
minutes and hours,
we lay in the stars
of each other's eyes,
I found ecstasy but also
unfathomable sadness

Finding you in this life
stitching my destiny,
into the silken fabric
of our days together

A pattern was designed
to be rent with tears,
but weaving a chaotic arc
found lusting symmetry

the burdens of life
strained the linen,
binding our bodies
to perfections edge

When The Frost Bites

Lying limp and bare,
Frozen through as Winters cold
Froze her body, burnt her soul.

My fault
No one else to blame.
I could have protected her
I neglected her.
Now winter's icy blast has frozen her.

She don't like frost,
Polka Dot.
So now she lies
Dead in her pot.


The heart of my car has been broken,
It happens on wintery nights,
Its radiator choking,
Had split all its hoses and pipes,
The only things there that were working,
Were its radio, wipers and lights,
But I wondered what else has been lurking,
Discovered just when the frost bites.

Am I Awake

Am I awake or asleep I cannot tell

Am I trapped in Heaven or roaming free in Hell?

Am I who I am, or am I someone else?

I look in the mirror, and I do not know myself

I took a long trip, and I went far, far away

It lasted all night it passed in a single day

I fell down a rabbit hole; I fell so deep

I almost drowned in tears I did weep

When I returned, I was in an awful state

Could not tell if I was asleep or if was I awake

When The Frost Bites...

The winter wind runs wild
sending freezing, icy howls
echoing down the valley
Snow spitting from its jowls

Fangs of flashing silver
slobbering sleet from tongue
Winter coat of white
paws scrabble hard to run

Bare flesh slipping from its shelter
The blush of blood goes pale
Frosted teeth bite harder
my resolve begins to fail

Forget this night of wonder
go inside and have a sit
Have a cup of tea, stay warm
Don't take the chance of getting bit

Traveling At The Speed Of Ignorance

Dedicated to Mother Earth ~

"What of that red sky?" asked one.

"I'm certain it's nothing," said the other.

And they traveled along.

"What of that smoke over the mountain?" asked one.

"I wouldn't worry," said the other.

And they traveled ahead.

"What of these flames, this scorched earth?" asked one.

"Everything will be fine," said the other.

And ignorance and arrogance, at last, traveled no more.

These Things

You were the smiling face
I looked for when I had a bad
day at school.

The one I gave an apology to
when I had no reason too.

I always had a heart for you
even the feelings as well.

So I hope you save a place for me
when I stop breathing in this hell.

I loved you with all my heart
and soul secretly weird crust too
and I hope I see you in a better place
so I can tell all these things
to you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.