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Traveling At The Speed Of Ignorance

Dedicated to Mother Earth ~

"What of that red sky?" asked one.

"I'm certain it's nothing," said the other.

And they traveled along.

"What of that smoke over the mountain?" asked one.

"I wouldn't worry," said the other.

And they traveled ahead.

"What of these flames, this scorched earth?" asked one.

"Everything will be fine," said the other.

And ignorance and arrogance, at last, traveled no more.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


From the title alone, it depicts a careful reading for adequate comprehension. This poem takes an idea and allows its roots to grow in an infinite that creates a stir in the reader's mind. What a very short piece, woven with profound imagery. I believe all these imagery stood as a symbolism of something. I would be glad in reading the poet's interpretation. Excellent composition.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


Ignorance and arrogance often easily lead us astray.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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Ignorance and arrogance cannot travel together for very long, because they always wind up in a bad situation and losing out.
I am afraid that we; [being ignorant] and they [being arrogant], will finally come to a bad end. Nice work! Not a thing to change. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Yes, not good companions. Wasn't certain of the style here - very different from the usual.
Thank you - as always!

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Alone and lonely - sounds like another poem in the making...
Thank you!

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Thank you for reading and commenting! I look forward to reading your work!

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How could we be so ignorant and arrogant.
Your "show don't tell" piece well focused on how bad things go. We left no place for any solution and what's even worse that we're leaving the pain to be hold by our sons/daughter and grandsons/granddaughters.
Your words dear Lavender say it all and say it well.

PS. I dunno, but I thought that last line calls for an extra comma before (at last) or no comma at all, but I am a bit not satisfied with one

Let me clarify if I may,

And ignorance and arrogance [,]at last, traveled no
And ignorance and arrogance at last(,) traveled no
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I always love to read your thoughts! Thanks for your punctuation suggestion, which I will gratefully use!

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. How many levels of allegory can we cram in here?

Well done,

Always good to read your opinions. Thank you so very much.

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Things definitely need to change...we are our own worst enemies. Ignorance and arrogance can only go so far before it comes to a usually unpleasant end.


An unpleasant end for certain. Thank you for reading this little ditty!

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I absolutely love this poem its wonderfully written I think its a well-timed message, given whats happening to the planet, have you ever read the poem by P.K.Page? Planet Earth? it's wonderful I will find it and post it for you, she was invited to read it at the United Nations you can see the recitation of it on YouTube.

This is the written form of it but it's easy to find her reading it on YouTube, it was a special honour for her to read it at the United Nations I think she may have been the first to asked to do so, but my memory is a little shady tonight ask Gee or Candlewitch I have concussion I am doing the best I can with a head full of pain and a constant buzzing lol they've seen the damage!!

So sorry for the lengthy comment I didn't mean to go on and on

Brava on a wonderful poem
kindest regards Jayne

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Thank you for the kind words and the wonderful link to the P.K. Page poem - so significant and timely. I had not read it before. I also watched her read it on youtube. "Loving caresses smoothing the holy surfaces." What respect and dignity! Inspiring.
Thanks, again, Jayne, for your thoughts on this one.
Also, I hope you feel better and have a speedy recovery from your concussion! Take good care!

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Reads like Khalil Gibran in the best way

A very generous comment. I am humbled.
Thank you very much!

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I love both Gibran and your poem of course you could continue but brevity is sometimes key some of my own self penned piece I’m more attached to are the short pieces like those I wrote in homage to Sappho 42 in all and I may return to but I feel they’re among my favourite or less embarrassed of. Something to do under lockdown. Well done in producing something of great mysticism and truth for our mother the earth. We don’t own her we only live here for a spell and we must love her with that in mind and heart :)

I remember your Sappho poems during the early months of the pandemic. I struggled with them a bit - not because they weren't well written, but because I know so little. I recall needing your knowledge to help understand them fully. They are quite beautiful. I'm glad you are still planning to work on the 42 pieces. I look forward to reading them when posted, but certain I'll have questions. :)

It is heart-breaking what we have done, and continue to do to our unique and extraordinary home. You are right, our time here is so short, and then we leave less beauty and amazement for future generations of all living beings. From what I understand, eventually she will survive and thrive again, just not with human life on board. It is so blatantly clear, but...there we have it.
Thank you for spending time here and sharing your kind thoughts.

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