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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



little star
of the far southwest.
lunar child, sun kissed
and star blessed.
her iridescent smile
bespeaks the glory
of centuries to be
and of spirits passed.
her heart is
a blooming desert,
celebrating the cactus flower.
she is both sunrise and sunset
and best;
my sister of lifting veils...
little star,
please shine and smile for me?


Give my Lady bangles
Give ribbons for her hair.
Give her rings with precious stones
To grace her fingers fair.
Give her a cape of satin
With ermine lined about
Clothe her like the goddess
That she is,
Oh! Never doubt.

Should you see my Lady
Kiss her hand for me
You shall know her if you see her,
For there is none like she.
Eyes as black as Raven’s Wing
Hair like a furnace glow
Lips that smile and sparkle
On all who walk below.

Hello Aussie Sis

If only you were in real life
a Sis
I had two
today em too I'd never miss

You are a broad minded soul
to help the poorest and troubled
is your sole life's goal

Sis this is like a poem
I'm composing right now
after reading so many comments
I have known you and jess a long time

so I bow to both and say wow

At last he said nearing his end
he started loving me .....
then without calling me bro
he passed away you know


Step into His presence
The eternal now
Walk through portals of time
Anywhere you wish
Anywhere you desire
Walk into the past
And then into the future
A place where time and space
Know no restrictions
Pass through portals
Of brilliant white light
To view life's last struggle
Your personal fight!
Forge your way through
Remembering the joy and the pain
All in but a moment
At many windows of time
Faces laughing, faces born in shame
Faces smiling and those born in chains

Dear Tomorrow

You'll never know my days spent with her
A time of simple days beneath the sun
That still exist
Down by the little stream, this side of the bridge
Unlike you, that never came

You wait, like a lost lover
But even just a little
You feel now gently pressing you on
For I dwell in the moment
I persevere the days between you and them
You are alone, but They are many
Compressed, repressed, occasionally addressed
Like the ink that slowly bleeds
staining my thoughts.


save those pretty knees
for the men that made
those mouths you feed
circle back to me
when you remember
how to find your beast
you and me
we don't make mouths
we make memories
the mouth I need
growls and forgets
what human means
the woman I feed
arches her back
makes a mockery of modest
and a meal out of me

A box of sand

I wish I could box my angst like sand
and leave it all covered for a sunny day

to air my troubles, my woes in the light
where I could see them clearly and say

to angst and fear, then, near at hand,
uncovered, unmasked, let’s put you right;

not in the corner, nor hidden from view but
exposed to the sunlight, unboxed and made one

with beach and ocean, the shore, where feet
can print the steps of a man under the sun

now rising in the east and behind me anew
is a vision made whole and not yet complete.

The Snail Woman

There is a special kind of woman out there,
She glitters in the sunlight,
Shimmering like precious metals,
Soft like wet velvet,
Her gentle gaze comes from
two sets of lovely eyes,
Elegant movements that
seem to slow time,
An alluring motion,
A precious armour resting on her body,
Rounded edges spiralling into her,
Hypnotic lines dance as she glides,
A magical spellbinding dance,
Entranced by her beauty,
You move closer…

Victoria Street

I took a walk on Victoria Street
the garbage's full of flowers
flowerbeds full of garbage,
The local drunk,
"Wahhh the fuck you looking at!"
pissing his pants,
and kookaburra's cry

I took a walk on Victoria Street
a young couple, uncoupling,
adultery in motion
her pleas of devotion whisper
"Please don't leave me"
pissing himself laughing
I cringed at his reply
"Fuck off slut"

Sea Dog

I’ll follow yon’ stream, down south to the shore,
just go, with the flow, to the sea.
I’ll take myself off to hide my heart’s hurt,
become someone else ‘stead of me.

I’ll dream and deny the pain I can’t cry,
soothe soul, in my boat, by the bay.
I’ll take the high tide, lift anchor and glide,
steal stillness and stow it away.

Rub salt in my wounds and watch them all heal,
(old Sea-Dog had taught me that ruse.)
Make coastline my home, inland will not roam,
will take up again with my Muse!


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