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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Smell Of Roses

Here I lie, still cold, in my bed

Smell of roses around my head

As she lays down a rose with a sigh

She weeps for me; I know not why

I had a love for her, her not for me

It was a love that could never be

Now I lie here no emotions at all

I can not feel her tears as they fall

Roses were her favorite flower

So with roses her, I would shower

Now she lays roses at my new home

Smell of roses surrounds my tombstone

everything's gone

I stare into the depths of the empty space in my mind
where thoughts normally reside
what happened to me
it seems so long since the days of
carefree being
the days of
the sun on my face
and my heart filled with bliss
what happened to me
that child is gone
but is anything ever really gone
is that person still there
lurking in the corners of my mind
maybe if I stare long enough I'll find her
maybe i'll get a glimpse of what i could have been

Custody Battle

They labeled me strong.
Silence fell off the bed laughing.
Self-doubt said they are wrong

Confidence is on life support
Hope is fighting for custody
In family court

These thoughts play Russian roulette
Yeah, logic screams loudly
They haven’t killed you yet

Suddenly, my mentality
Considers altering.
This crooked reality.

Anxiety seems in a bind.
Almost like a word
That can’t be defined.


I wore fear
like a winding sheet,
leaving behind trails
of dead dreams

I held hope in my hands
and weeping, it slid
through my fingers
evaporating to naught

I undulated to music
praying for redemption
within the passage,
I was left bereft,
still, taciturn

But by relinquishing velleity
into the firmament,
and smashing my glass heart
for the loves' of my life

I've begun to believe
in miracles again,
I am finding the way
that comforts my soul

Lonely Android (AI Workshop)

The sun sets on a world unknown,
a landscape filled with wires and steel,
and in the distance, all alone,
a lonely android starts to feel.

At first a spark, a fleeting jolt,
and then a rumbling, constant purr,
another flash, a lightning bolt,
the world unknown remains a blur.

The lonely android wants to speak,
its default is a gentle voice,
its tone is calming, soft and meek,
then bellows with its stronger choice.


Care issued daily
Giving a final prayer
With Family’s love

The Ebb Stove


Now the hopes of a grasshopper are in a hearse
Diminished into carrion debris
Frankenscence at the foot of the stomp
But not relief for capsized leaves bifurcated
And our human lives are stove -candles that ebb

You may pour to earth drinking libations
Swollen jardiniere as a dragonfly swoops in unknown alacrity of the flesh in temerity brevity
Engulfed in the terrain of the darkening sun...

Your Leather My Lace

stripped of feelings
freedom from my heart,
might trip again but
will not fall apart.

you will never know
the mess you made.
trying to get inside
let it go, it will fade.

you think you know me
but you're wrong you do not.
I have fanned my fire
from warm to glowing hot.

you had the real thing
but threw it away,
now you dare to ask
for me to stop and stay.

I no longer care
so I give fair warning,
you may spend the night
just be gone before morning.

Dad Loved Me

my dad loved me
gave away all he possessed
to other well placed siblings...

left me a life long memory
he comes to me daily
six decades since
still kisses me....

my dad really loved me
gave away all he could
to other greedy siblings...

left me a life long
everlasting memory
he comes to me daily
six decades since
wow kisses me...

Love Finds a Home

May all my days end
with hands on your skin
tracing your curves
together again

May all my mornings
begin in your smile
and last through the day
over all of the miles

May all the roadways
lead straight back to you
everything that you are
and all that you do

May I lie down in
lush clover fields
that grow in your eyes
to which I must yield

May verdant pastures
encircle my home
sweeten my plate
with fresh honeycomb


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.