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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Nature Speaks

Nature speaks in silence
From sunlight until sunset
Hours and minutes comprise each day
Letting us decide what actions we will take
Time is her choice about life and death
We are given the option to do our best
Each having a given hour that is unknown
Awaiting her call for us to return home
When that hour arrives we will have our book read
Depicting our achievements and our faults
She will point us in the direction we created

I Didn't Know You

I didn’t know you,
I wondered,
Of your thoughts
Behind your wavy red hair,
The way your emerald eyes,
Saw the world,
The joy in your smile.

I didn’t know you,
I saw you dance in the rain,
the autumn leaves in your hair,
You caught a snowflake.
With your tongue.

I didn’t know you,
I asked for a hug,
You embraced me,
Rubbed my face with the snow,
I was excited,
You were inspired,
I knew you.

Take Away

Take away my eyes,
I will not see!
Take away my ears,
I will not hear!
Take away my heart,
I will not feel!
Take away my soul,
I will not fear!
Take away my hands,
I will not touch!
Take away my mouth,
I will not speak!
Take away my legs,
I will not run!
Take away my inner child,
I will not know fun!
Take away memories,
And I will have none.
Take it all!

There’s nothing left for
me to have, or give!
Take my life,
So I will not live!

Lady of the Night

I walked home late the other night
From an evening spent with friends;
Good company, good food, fine wine,
The walk, a perfect end.

I walk along a country lane
To where my home does lie;
No lights, no moon, no clouds
To dim the beauty of the sky

A vixen wails like a distraught child,
By my shoulder the grey lady glides,
I pause, light up a small cigar,
Turn my face up to the skies.

Matthew O' Harris Ease A "FAKE" Irishman

Saint Patrick's Day, or
Feast of Saint Patrick
Lá Fhéile Pádraig
invoke even non Irish to proclaim
Éirinn go Brách
translated as "Ireland Forever."

Though semitic thru and thru
yours truly (me) dons guise of being Irish
trumpeting hoople linked with
the folklore and culture of Emerald Isle
juiced tin he nuff tame afore
thee 2024 Saint Patrick's Day,
(hens this faux written accent
donned to sail hub berate won big todo
fur those peep pull
o' Eire rush deuce cent)


I always pick the ones that dont care
I ignore and ick out at the ones that do,
Constantly turning my head at every buzz from my phone,
its not fair.

"Why can't you want me like the other boys do?"
like id still be interested in you if you did,
what's wrong with me
why am I stuck on you?

I can't stop myself from responding instantly
it takes you hours
I sit there in waiting like a damsel in distress,
why does everything you do have to be done inconsistently?


These are puzzling days of our lives.
we speak our minds quickly, when problems arise
not thinking about the look in their eyes
there's no way to run, nowhere to hide
we laugh aloud thinking that we've won
when we walk away from promises made
our relationships will eventually fade
think then about the things that you say
and find a kinder, peaceful way!
to communicate with those you meet each day!.

This is England

This is England:
A nation of wealth
Where most are poor.
This is England:
Our tempers are hot
Because the weather is cold.
This is England:
We made the U.S
And now they have more!
And English idiom
It's called Sod's law.
This is England
Where beer is cheap
Just like fish and chips
On a cold and breezy shore.
This is England
Where the prisons are full
Due to the size of this island
With a population not small.
This is England.
It is home and i love it


When we were in love,
we sat on the park bench
and adored the trees.

They were dazzling.

We really had no final farewell, you and I.
Our time together simply drifted away.

Now, a lifetime later,
I've returned to our bench.
Its spirit, abandoned,
or perhaps sleeping.
The trees seem hollow,
pretending they don't remember
me, you.


I wonder if their memories were swept up in the wind
when their golden leaves fell to the ground,

certain to scatter,
destined to fade.

My Bairns A-Stray

I remember when the moon was small;
no larger than your soccer ball.
That's how old I am.

That jumping cows could clear its height
and puppies laughed to see that sight.
That's how old I am.

There were no birds, just nests of eggs.
T'was long before snakes lost their legs.
That's how old I am.

I watched the rocks each climbing high,
becoming mountains in the sky.
That's how old I am.

I felt a goodness grow in me
that promised life eternity.
That's how old I am.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.