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Sister To Anais Nin

Inside a yellow cab
she sits
crosses long legs
finger gloss lips
peering out at Flushing Bay
ten minute ride
to house on the left
four doors down

a lighted shadow
standing content
knowing specialness had arrived

nude pictures packaged on table
bottled Negra Modelo
downstairs counting nine steps
open forum
freshly smoked Newports
she begged a drag
his cologne roaming

the voice feathered across the space
standing, smiling
showing his happiness
letting the smoking jacket fall open

specialness left loyalty
the albatross of monogamy
ended after her vows to polygamy

kissing you resuscitate the cold
blowing measured breaths
minted molecules
heating the marrow

eyes of not the sparrow
those of an absolute
a disciplined swain

© 2010 Lepadah

Editing stage: 


A lovely languid stroll through words. Love it. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Hi Roscoe,

I appreciate the read and your kind comment. So glad you enjoyed this poem.

Peace Lepadah


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