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QUEST (part 1 and 2) with expansion to part 3 and 4

Too many leagues have felt the beat
of my old and tiring heart
as well as worn boots on my feet
since this journey's distant start.

Woods once open now are deep
with shadows, not sun, now the rule;
brambles replaced by vines' creep,
warmth giving way to ceaseless cool.

Since I topped last mountain side
where sun shone on the western slope
here on the north shadows abide
moss, ferns and mushrooms barely cope.

Beneath these tall snow twisted trees,
all grey with crowns of evergreen,
whose trunks look like arthritic knees
limbs form strange shapes not often seen.

This trail is steep and treacherous
all scree covered with slippery moss.
Roots that trip and make me cuss
and spider webs as strong as floss.

But ever onward goes my quest
my destination must be achieved.
The treasure hidden in my vest
makes even fantasies believed

At last a murmur comes to me
below perhaps where water flows
then I at last finally see
a stream where rushing water grows.

As I become ever nearer
and the land reclines less steep
the view at last becomes much clearer
and up my spine chills start to creep.

For guarding this waterway's course
ancient stone figures stand stern
though time's wear has left them coarse
some even tumbled at shore's berm.

What forgotten people once lived here
and then disappeared into the past
leaving their lands to grouse and deer
their tale and fate forgotten at last?

This time of year waters don't run deep
so I turn and go downstream a while
while toward full darkness shadows creep.
I make lonely camp after a mile.

My fire is built where a stone arch
once soared across a quiet pool
its ends vanish among somber larch.
The air suddenly turns cool.

Sun winks out on the far side ridge
just as a desultory breeze begins.
Come morning I'll seek out a bridge
that might lead me to sunny glens.

Cold pemican for a spare meal
washed down by some bitter tea.
As I lay on my blanket I soon feel
that long gone spirits assail me.
...................... segment coming soon........

part 3
As I lie awaiting sleep
a falling star blazes above
then as my eyelids downward creep
I think a thought of my true love....

From dreamless sleep I jolt awake
as a nearby echo fades away.
I gather my gear for safety's sake
just as i hear a jackbwolf's bray...... Jack wolf= a half jack ass, half wolf

Then another, closer still.
I realize they're tracking me
for their daily meal and kill
something I'd as soon not be.

So I string my bow and check my quiver
then turn to escape from the pack.
A closing bray makes my skin shiver
sending goose bumps down my back.

I climb a boulder in desperation
just as one comes into sight
its form an unholy amalgamation
split hooves like claws and polished bright.

Ears long but pointed and tucked back;
teeth like fangs and crushing cuspids;
evil blue eyes and/or coarse black;
eyes always open lacking eyelids.

Soon four of them surround my perch
so I nok an arrow to my bow,
shoot at one and make it lurch.
All it does is make its anger grow.

But they all four back up from my boulder
their snarly braying fills the night.
Their inherent misshaped shoulder
keeps them from jumping to my height.

So they spread out and all sit down
tongues lolling and dripping foul spit.
(the injured one with a fixed stare)
They'll wait me out...I'm in deep shit.

The half moon slowly makes its way.
At last the eastern stars turn dim
but the brutes won't go away.
My chance of living's pretty thin.

Daylight arrives, I look around.
The river's not too far away.
This clearing is by dense woods bound.
With rising sun the jack wolves bray.

If I could make it to the river
I'd be safe ,those beasts can't swim.
Their braying makes the whole world shiver.
No way I can outrun them.

I take some jerky from my pack
eat it and drink from my canteen.
The beasts arise, prepare to attack
then turn toward something unseen.

I then peer just as they do
into deep woods where sun sends spears
seeing at first just one or two
small trees shake as something nears.

Flashes of silver blind my eyes.
Jackwolves stampede away in fear.
My jaw hangs in blunt surprise
when I finally see what has come here.

end part 3
begin part 4

A silver clad man gallops up
on his morse and looks at me... (Morse is half moose and half horse)
then he raises a clear cup
and chugs a gulp of bitter tea.

As sun rises I see to my surprise
I recognize this this mounted man
who laughs at my obvious surprise
then trots up and extends his hand.

"It seems each time that I see you
you are in a tight ,tight spot."
"Torell I'm sure glad to see you.
I was soon to flavor their foul pot!"

He dismounts and sheaths his bright bronze spear
And cocks his head at fading jack wolves' bray.
Then inquire what I'm doing here
when my home is so far away.

We sit as I cook up something to eat
And I tell him I'm just here by chance
randomly following my feet.
He smiles and gives me a sharp glance .

For he has known me long enough
to know my treks all have a reason.
And looks as he chews his his stew meat, tough.
And asks if I recall last season.

I shudder as memory of that time
makes me clinch my knife's horn hilt,
while listening to the stream's near rhyme
my evasion fills my heart with guilt.

For yes I recall that year now passed
and how he'd helped me in a quest
to recapture a golden past.
He deserves my honesty at best.

So we sit and exchange memories
of the last time we were together
while trying to not disturb the trees
while watching rain clouds slowly gather.

End part 4

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I expect it will take a number of "chapters" before our protagonist achieves his goal
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


It saddens me to think but I can only touch the hem of Tolkien's garment. To error is respectable I'm filled with sudden moments of flaws in sight. Sometimes don't know what my right hand can accept from the left. I exist as a vapor then I am no more. I'll think of your idea probably won't be a dry eye in the house. Thank you for voicing this recommendation

Mario Vitale

I appreciate the visit and your thoughts. I hope to slowly expand this to a semi epic over time

author comment

Favorable piece you have listed very together to the heart. You make a way where there seems no way. A very good writing expierence. You got this very good. Coming to a great devide you got going on here. Words piercing the very fabric of the soul. Thanks for sharing.

Mario Vitale

I'm going to try to write this multiple part poem so as to let each poem stand alone although it is part of a longer narrative

author comment

as always your language use is in harmony with the theme and the theme nicely connects self with the surroundings..pretty reflective write..I wonder what to expect in Part 2

raj (sublime_ocean)

So do I lol. I hope to put out about one part per week and let my limited imagination take me where it will

author comment

i don't think there is no doubt about the spectrum of your imagination....i will follow where it leads to when you treat us with a peg at a time...

raj (sublime_ocean)

sometimes I even imagine I know how a poem will end when I begin it lol

author comment

About me:
''A rose bud also withers away
but rarely dies
as in library books
they after life stay
so would Lovedly

have a limitless day today
unknown poet

I, too, shall be waiting patiently your sequencial epic.
I've already enjoyed this one.
Thank you.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I'll see if another part can't be wrung out this week lol.

author comment

did you mean can or can't....i think you're learning the language of POTUS on how to twist would and wouldn't and confuse the

raj (sublime_ocean)

In this case can't is an extreme contraction for" can or cannot". Let me get back to choking the old pen.......stan

author comment

a sombre version this Part II of Quest with great language and use of words used as literary devices...

raj (sublime_ocean)

All quests lead through the past as well as present. I'm pleased you are still following this tale....stan

author comment
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